Be gentle to me,
Hold me with your utmost care,
I had already been broken once,
I did not want to fall apart again.Speak gently to me,
I could not stand
The loud voices in the past haunting me again.Look at me gently,
Look at me as if i am like some porcelain,
Look at me like I am a glass that you are afraid to break.My heart is like a glass,
Once broken,
Considered shattered,
So be gentle,
Be gentle to me.
12a.m. thoughts | poems ✔
Şiir[poetry] 12a.m. - time where thoughts started to run wild. rankings🏅: #1, #2, #3, #4 & #54- 12a.m. thoughts #40, #41, #47, #60, #71, #78,#82, #113,#153, #158, #166, #160, #172, #180, #212, #255, & #426 & #542- brokenhearted #733- poems #24-btoken