When was the last time
We had our 12a.m. sessions?
A call where we could talk
About anything we want?
The old us you had long forgotten
When you met her.The love of your life,
Or so you said.
The most beautiful girl alive,
And now,
Every fibre of you are consumed about her.Ever since
You started to fall for her,
You stopped talking to me.
You ignored me
When I tried to talk to you.
You just glanced at me
And walked pass me
Everytime I uttered a "hi".Since when?
Since when we had became like this?
Since when we became from best friends to strangers?You had forgotten about me,
And most importantly,
Our 12a.m. Sessions.
12a.m. thoughts | poems ✔
Puisi[poetry] 12a.m. - time where thoughts started to run wild. rankings🏅: #1, #2, #3, #4 & #54- 12a.m. thoughts #40, #41, #47, #60, #71, #78,#82, #113,#153, #158, #166, #160, #172, #180, #212, #255, & #426 & #542- brokenhearted #733- poems #24-btoken