Chapter Eight: Colliding Worlds

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"What?! I cannot believe that Landon would do that! That doesn't even sound like him!" Lillian was pretty much yelling into the phone.

"I know, Lillian... Maybe he's just one of those guys that's a better best friend than a boyfriend." That was what I had been rehearsing in my mind to tell her. I just didn't want her to think any less of Landon after that happening.

"Still, such a douche thing to do! I'm sorry, Delilah. That really sucks."

"It's okay," I lied. "I'll get over it!"

"I bet Axel can make you feel better!" she said suggestively.

I forced a laugh, trying to ignore the feeling of my stomach dropping at the mention of Axel's name. "Didn't I tell you that he just slept with that Raven girl after his fight?"

"What?! Raven Monroe?"

"Yup... So that kind of kills your theory that Axel likes me, doesn't it?"

"Kind of... Lame! I think you guys would be cute together!"

"You've never even been with us when we've hung out!" I laughed.

"Ooh, so let me! We should go with them when they skip lunch next time! It would be so fun!"

"Are you sure, Lillian?" I asked hesitantly. "You've never skipped school before."

"It's just lunch! It's not like I'm missing class! And I want to meet him! It's not like we have anyone else to eat lunch with..."

"Okay... Fine... I'll ask him."

"Yay! Thank you, Delilah! I'll let you go do that! I love you!"

"I love you, too," I laughed, hanging up. Once I was done talking to Lillian, I called Axel.

When he answered after a few rings, I heard loud music and voices in the background. "Hey, Delilah. Hold on a second, let me step outside."

I waited until I couldn't hear the music in the background before talking. "Hey, sorry, I didn't realize you were out..."

"Oh, it's fine. I always have time for you, Delilah." Cue me trying to ignore my heart speeding up. "So, what's up? Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine! I just had a quick question."


"Lillian really wants to meet you... So, I was wondering if we could skip lunch with you guys tomorrow...?" I asked hesitantly.

"Oh! Really? I mean... Yeah! That sounds fun. I'd love to finally meet Lillian."

"Really? Yay!"

He chuckled. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Delilah..."

"Sounds good. Bye Axel..."

The next morning, when Axel picked me up, we discussed where we would go for lunch. "I usually let the guys pick where we eat. But, since you're the guest, why don't you?"

"Wanna just go to AJ's again?" I asked, looking over at him lazily.

"Hm... Yeah. Let's go there. That was way easier than the boys choosing. They normally spend most of the time we have arguing about where to go and then we end up going to McDonald's or something."

"That sounds about right," I laughed.

That morning went by quickly, and before I knew it, I was going with a very excited Lillian to meet Axel and the twins at Axel's locker. "Do I look okay?!" she asked excitedly. I grinned.

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