Chapter Eleven: His House

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I missed Axel right away, hoping that things would be back to normal soon and that he'd be back to pick me up the next day.

That did not happen.

In fact, I didn't see Axel for the rest of the week. Every morning, I'd hope that I'd hear the familiar honking in my driveway, only to be disappointed with a knock at the door. I'd go downstairs to see Kevin looking at me with that sad look, knowing he'd be looking at my disappointed face.

"I don't get it!" I exclaimed to the twins and Lillian, as I had gone out to lunch with them ever since Lillian and Kyle got together. "Why is he being so weird and avoiding me? And don't try to say maybe he's sick, Lillian, he literally gets punched in the face for a living."

Although, I did partially know why he was avoiding me. Things were so weird after the night we kissed, he just didn't want to be around me. Lillian and Kyle still had no idea we kissed, and Kevin and I decided it was best to keep it that way for now. With how those two work, they'd be trying to get Axel and I together without hesitation.

"Maybe you should just talk to him, Delilah..." Kyle said hesitantly, looking like he was slightly afraid I'd punch him for saying that.

"How? I've tried calling and texting him a million times!" I groaned. "He doesn't answer his stupid phone for me!"

"Then... Go to his house..." Kyle said slowly, before looking up at me and grinning. "Yeah! Kevin has his address in his phone, he can send it to you! Go confront him in person, so he can't avoid you."

I looked at Kevin, who shrugged, pulling out his phone. "I mean, I don't see why not... You guys are friends, it's stupid for you guys to just not talk to each other! I sent it. You should go tonight..."

"I... I'll think about it," I said, glancing at the address on my phone. As much as I wanted, needed, to talk to Axel, I didn't want to annoy him or crowd him.

So, I thought about it... A lot. I spent most of that night pacing back and forth in my room, not sure what I should do, and changing my mind a thousand times.

At eight o'clock, I took a deep breath, grabbed Axel's leather jacket, and left the house, telling my mom I had to go talk to a friend. Apparently, Axel's house was about a fifteen-minute walk, the opposite way of the school. I walked quickly, trying to think of a plan when I showed up. However, when my GPS said I'd arrived to the small but upkept house, I still had nothing.

I went up to the door, taking a deep breath, before knocking. I had no idea why I expected Axel to open the door, but I was still surprised when a kind, but tired looking woman opened the door. She was short, shorter than me, so she must be much shorter than Axel, and slightly squat. However, she had the same black hair, and the same bright blue eyes. "Um, hi! I-I'm sorry, I know it's late, I was just... looking for Axel."

"Oh! You must be Delilah! Axel's gone right now, he's at... Well, I'm sure you know..." At the look on her face, I had a feeling that she meant it was a fight. "But," she continued, "You can come in and wait for him if you want."

"Oh, it's okay, I don't want to impose..." I started, but Axel's mom stopped me.

"It's no problem at all! Come in, I'll make tea."

I stepped into the small house. In front of the entryway, there were stairs, leading to a hallway on the second floor. On the right side, there was the living room which lead into a bedroom, and on the left, a kitchen leading into the dining room.

I jumped slightly when I looked back up the stairs and a little girl was standing on the top of them, looking down curiously. Axel's mom followed my gaze, and she sighed. "Angie, what're you doing up?" she asked with a sigh.

"I heard the door open, I thought Axel would be home..." the girl replied.

"Oh, no, honey, he won't be home until you're asleep. You'll see him tomorrow morning, though, okay? Go back to bed, sweetie."

The girl nodded, shot me one last look, and went back to her room.

"That was my daughter, Axel's sister, Angie," Axel's mom said, leading me into the dining room. "She loves him to death and the feeling is mutual."

I sat down at the dining room table while Axel's mom made me a cup of tea. "Thank you, Ms. Ferone," I said when she brought it to me.

"Oh, please, call me Jackie..." I smiled, sipping my tea so I wouldn't have to talk. I had no idea to say to the woman who raised the boy I'd spent so much time with recently. However, she saved me when she spoke up again, "So, Delilah, are you here to get my son to come back to school finally?"

"Uh, yeah... Do you know why he hasn't been coming?"

"I don't know... He won't tell me, and as hard as I try, I can't make him go."

I sighed, putting my head in my hands. "I'll talk to him, and I hope I can get him to come..."

"Well, if anyone can get him to, I think it's you. Well, I have to wake up early for work tomorrow, so I was planning on going to bed. But, you're welcome to wait for Axel up in his room if you want."

"Oh, really? Are you sure that wouldn't be a little weird?"

"Nah, tell him his mom sent you there." Jackie smiled, grabbing my hand quickly before standing up. "His bedroom is the second door on the right. Goodnight, sweetie."

"Goodnight, Jackie."

Once she left the room, I stood up, going up the stairs, and standing in front of the door she said led to Axel's room. I took a deep breath before stepping inside. It was surprisingly pretty clean, a couple of article clothing littered the ground, but for the most part, things were pretty neat. He also had a bunch of band posters on his walls, a desk with some papers and books stacked on top of it. Other than that, it was pretty empty.

I sat down on my desk, reading on my phone for a while until I heard the door open downstairs. My breath hitched, and I stood up, not sure how to act natural for when he walked in. I heard as he walked up the steps, and hesitated in front of the door. I figured he must have been wondering why the light was on. My heart jumped when he opened the door and I saw him for the first time. I hadn't realized how much I missed seeing his face. "Hi," I said hesitantly.

"Hey... What are you doing here?" Axel asked, stepping inside his room and shutting the door. He set down his bag, and I had a feeling he was trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"I... I wanted to talk to you. You've been avoiding me."

"No, I haven't..."

"Axel," I crossed my arms. "You act like I don't know you. You haven't been to school in a week. I've called and texted you like a million times. And, we haven't worked out at all, which you promised to do with me."


"Look, if you don't want to be friends with me anymore, that's fine. I just need to know." I looked away from him, so he wouldn't see the tears in my eyes.

"No, that's not it... Delilah, I love you, and I've missed you so much this week. It's just... I felt weird after kissing you, and I didn't want things to change with us."

"So, you chose to avoid me? That's stupid, Axel." He laughed, looking down at the ground. "And, I'm the one who kissed you! You just kissed back, which pretty much any guy would do. It doesn't have to mean anything, and you especially don't have to be so weird about it." I playfully shoved him, and he smiled, returning the shove.

"Come on," he said, grabbing his keys, "I'll bring you home."

"Okay," I giggled, following out the boy I had just gotten back as my friend, trying to ignore the sadness in the pit of my stomach at what I had just said.


Hey guys! It's been so long since I've updated! I've missed it, but I've been so busy with college! Thank you guys for reading, and if you liked it I would appreciate it so much if you voted and commented.

Question of the Day: How do you feel about Axel and Delilah being (just) friends again?

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