Chapter 1: For The First Time

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Hey guys and gals :) I just want to say that I do not own any One Direction related things in this story. And if any of the other names I used are yours or someone you know, that is completely unintentional! But please vote and comment Xx


>Molly's POV<

Mondays. College. Joy. Yea, right. I wake up to that annoying buzzing of my alarm clock telling me to get off my lazy butt and get ready. I finally get up and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth then hop in the shower. I let the warm water splash on me for a couple minutes and then wash up. I reluctantly turn the shower off and get out. I blow dry my hair and throw it in a messy bun. "Screw it." I thought. I put on some makeup and then go to the wardrobe. Being in Wolverhampton, England make me feel rich in a sense. They give you everything you need and more. I pick out my outfit, get dressed and head down the hall. I see my friends Bella and Jessalyn. We go to first period and sit. As the day goes on I become more a more tired. When the final bell sounds, I say goodbye to Jessalyn and Bella and descide to go to Starbucks.

>Liam's POV<

The tour is finished. Now, back at home. I'm relieved to be able to rest. I loved being on tour with the mates but its tiring, you know? I'm here with Louis and Niall while Zayn and Harry went to Cheshire to visit Harry's family. Us three decide to go to Starbucks to get some coffee and just relax. We drive to Starbucks and I get in line while Niall and Louis get us a table. Its my turn in line so I start to order.

>Molly's POV<

I finally get to Starbucks and I get in line. As its my turn to order, the boy in front of me turns around and I almost gasp aloud. It's Liam Payne. From One Direction. I look up into his gorgeous brown eyes and he smiles and says "Excuse me, love." When I don't respond he starts to blush. I finally snap out of the trance and I say "Sorry." He smirks and walks to a table. I descide to order a frappacino and I go and sit after I get it. I see Liam sitting at a table across from me with two other boys I recognized as Niall and Louis. I have to tell myself to stop staring. "One more look..." I thought. As I looked up, Liam looked up too and winked at me. I looked down and giggled. I took out my history book and started to study.

>Liam's POV<

"That girl was beautiful!" I thought to myself as I walked around her. And the way she couldn't stop staring at me gave me a sense that she knew who I was. I don't care, I'm just lucky to know that I got to look into her gorgeous brown eyes. As I walk over to Lou and Niall I couldn't help but stare at her. When she got her drink and walked over to the table across from us, I got a little more excited than I should have. I laughed at myself. When she sat down she looked up at me, as I too her, and I winked. She giggled. It was adorable. She then took out her book and began to read. I told Niall and Louis to take a look at this beautiful creature and they lowly whistled and laughed at me. Louis then spoke up and said "Go talk to her lad. Eye contact isn't going to help your love sickness!" and laughed with Niall. I rolled my eyes and said "Ok, ok. Just stop laughing at me already!" I get up and walk over to her. "Play it cool." I told myself.

>Molly's POV<

I could here the guys laughing. I really didn't want to know what though, so I kept reading. I felt someone standing in front of me so I looked up from my book. It was Liam. I smiled up at him and said "Can I help you with anything?" He smiled back and said in his incredible British accent "I'm sorry. I'm being terribly rude by standing and staring but, um, you are just beautiful." My eyes widened a bit but said "Why, thank you." He then said "I'm Liam by the way. But, excuse me for saying this, by the way you looked at me in line I could tell you knew who I was." I giggled and apologized. Liam then said "It's fine. I kind of get that reaction a lot. Except you didn't scream. And, I'm sorry for being rude again, but I didn't catch your name." And then smirked. "I'm Molly. And yea, sorry for that reaction. But for me, I don't like fangirling." I then laugh at myself. "Molly. What a lovely name." I thank him again and I feel my cheeks get hot.

>Liam's POV<

When we get to talking, I felt a little foolish. She seems so calm and here I am thinking she would scream at an moment. I ask her her name and she tells me Molly. "Molly. What a lovely name." I hear myself say. "Good Liam. Keep your cool" I think to myself. She blushes and then asks if I would like to sit down. "Sure. Don't mind if I do." She smiles which makes me smile. "So, Molly. You obviously aren't British. So, what are you doing here in Wolverhampton? If you don't mind me asking." I say. She replies "Oh, I go to Wolverhampton England University." "WEU? Impressive! I used to go there before I got into One Direction." I tell her. "It's a wonderful school." She smiles and says "Yes, it definately is!" We get on talking about what she want to do for a job, she wants to be a pediatrician, and what it was like to be on the road during the tour. We had a lovely talk. Lou and Niall came up to us after an hour and half or so and told me it was time to go.

>Molly's POV<

I loved talking to Liam! He is so funny and intelligent. We talked about his tour and college and it was amazing! Niall and Louis came over to our table and told Liam they had to leave now. Liam looked up at them, pouted like a little kid and gave them his puppy eyes, and said "No. I don't wanna." I couldn't help but laugh. He turned to me and winked. Louis whacked him on the side of his head and said "Come on Liam. You know that crap doesn't work on me, so lets go!" But I knew Louis was trying not to laugh by the little smirk of his face. "Fine. I will be out at the car in a minute. Just go wait for me." Liam told them. Niall and Louis sighed but nudged Liam, winked and laughed. Liam whacked them on the arm and they ran outside. Liam turned around and I burst out laughing. He smiled and stood up. He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips and kissed it. I looked at the ground, knowing I was blushing. He let go of my hand and I felt a piece of paper. I unfolded it and it was his number. I looked up to see he was looking at me threw the glass window and I smiled. He held up his hand into a phone gesture and mouthed "Call me?" I laughed and nodded yes. He cheered and I laughed. Liam winked at me one last time before turning to go. I looked down at the number and thought, "Just my luck." I knew this boy would change my life forever.

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