Chapter 7: She Has Arrived

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Hello! So, this chapter is very touching in a sense. Its basically about Liam and Molly just relaxing the whole day and that day gets interupted by an unwelcomed guest. The twitter names in this chapter are nobody that I know. I just made them up. But if they are someone's twitter name then that was totally unintentional! Love you all! Enjoy Xx


>Liam's POV<

The next morning Molly and I decided to stay in and just be with each other. We just wanted some down time together. "I have an idea!" Molly declared. "What is it?" I say, now interested. "Let's play confessions. We start off by saying 'confession number one' and then say the confession. Don't hold anything back with me, ok?" She says seriously. "Ok, let's do it." I tell her. We go back and forth, just sitting in our bed. Things got pretty heavy pretty fast. She tells me about her really close bond with her uncle who has passed away. I tell her about how I had to get shots everyday just to keep me alive. Then we got into the more sentimental stuff. "Confession number twenty three. I love you, Molly. With everything I have." I say and look deep in her eyes. Molly looks straight at me and says "Confession number twenty three. I love you even more. To infinity and beyond." I smile because in one of my confessions, I revealed that I loved the Toy Story Trilogy. "Confession number twenty four. Not possible" I say and lean in and kiss her softly. We scoot in closer and I deepen the kiss. Molly is the one for me. I love her more than anything in the world. I know I can't live without her. It sounds all so fast but we just have this connection that is never breaking. Then, just when things start to intense, the freaking door bell rings. I break away and sigh. "I'll be back." I pull on my bathrobe and rush downstairs. I go to the door and open it, only to find a very familiar face.

>Molly's POV<

Liam is my everything. Enough said. I love him and he loves me. The end. I had to sigh when the door bell rings, breaking up our little party. I'm sitting in bed for about five minutes and I decide to go see who is at the door. I hear Liam shouting a little bit and then his voice was muffled. I turn the corner to see a girl kissing him. "Liam?!" I screech. Liam pushed the girl off and turns around with a shocked expression on his face. "Molly! It is not what you think at all." He says. Tears start steaming down my cheeks. "Who the hell is she Liam? Why was she kissing you, huh?" The girl then speaks up. "I'm Nancy. Liam's girlfriend." She tells me. "WHAT?!?!" I scream, still crying. Liam runs over to me and tries to awkwardly hug me. "Molly, look at me please. Love, I'm begging you. Listen for a minute." He asks me. "Why should I?" I spat back at him. "Because she is my 'ex' girlfriend. She is here because she knows we are together and she's jealous. Believe me Molly. Please believe me." I look at him and I see that he is crying now. I look at Nancy and she smirks. She knew she hit me hard when she kissed Liam. I untangled myself from him and I go over to Nancy and get in her face. "Listen here Nancy. You stay away from Liam and you stay away from me. I don't want to see your ugly little face here again. I don't care what you want. But if you want Liam, sorry, he's been taken." I tell her and I smack her right across the face and push her out of the door.

>Liam's POV<

I can't believe Nancy has the nerve to show up at my front door and kiss me! And Molly saw it. When she started crying I couldn't have felt a greater pain inside me. I go over to her and I just couldn't hold back my tears. I could not lose this girl. She is my everything. I started crying and Molly saw this. She then goes over to Nancy, who is standing in the door way, yells at her then hits her across the face. Molly pushes Nancy out of the doorway and slams the door shut. Nancy yells "I will be back, Molly. I am going to make your life a living hell!" Molly slides her back down the door and sits on the floor. She bursts into tears and I run over to her and sit down. She leans into me and lays her head on my chest. I cuddle her closer and strokes her hair. Just looking at the love of my life cry makes me want to cry. "Molly? Babe, look at me please." I tell her. She looks up at me with big brown eyes and I say "Nancy is nothing to me. Nothing, ok? She is just a jealous girl who want attention. I love you and only you. Ok?" Molly nods and I stand up. I bend down and pick her up bridal style and bring her back to our room. We lay there and talk about everything and nothing at the same time. I love Molly and she is all that I need.

>Molly's POV<

After Liam and I go back to the bedroom, we just talked. But that's all we needed to do because we have each other. I know Nancy will be back but right now, I don't care. It's just Liam and me. During our talk, Liam's stomach starts growling. I laugh so hard and he covers his face in embarrassment. "Is Daddy Direction hungry?" I ask, poking his stomach. "Yes, Mummy Direction. I am hungry." He says. "Well, let's go eat, silly!" I start to sit up but he pulls me back down. "Leeyum!" I drag out his name and he begins to tickle me. I start giggling and screaming and we just start rolling around on the bed. At one point, Liam ends up sitting on top of me and we just have one of those "looking into each others eyes" moments. He bends down to my face and whispers "Why don't we finish what we started earlier?" And winks. "I thought you were hungry Mr. Payne." I say. "I can't be hungry when you're right here." He says, his hot breath tickling my face. He kisses me gently on the neck and trails up to my lips. He rolls over so I'm sitting on top of him and things get pretty steamy and of course, the freaking phone rings. "Every damn time." He says. I laugh and I go pick up the phone. "Hello?" I say. "Hello, is Mr. Liam Payne there?" The man asks. "Yes he is. One moment please." I tell him. I walk over to him and mouth, "It's for you." He takes the phone and starts talking. He goes downstairs so I decide to check twitter. I had so many mentions so I checked some of them. Some of them were good:

@DiamondsandJewels: Molly, you are just gorgeous. Liam is a lucky man! Xoxo

@SydneyIsHere: Liam and Molly are just the cutest couple on the face of this earth!

@HappyJulia: I love you Molly! You are just amazing! Xx

And some of them horrible:

@HatersGonnaHate67: Ew, Molly. Gtfo! Liam is mine. You are just ugly!

@ILoveLiamPayne: Molly is an ugly you know what and she needs to die! Liam is mine.

@It'sNancyBitch: Liam should be mine. Molly needs to leave the face of the earth and go die. End of story!

I burst into tears. I knew It'sNancyBitch was Nancy obviously. I just ran to the bed and curled up into a ball.

>Liam's POV<

On the phone was management telling me we had an interview this weekend. I called all the boys to tell them. I came back upstairs to find Molly crying. I run over to her and say "Love, what happened. What's wrong?" She points to the computer and I go look. It was her twitter. People were saying just terrible stuff to Molly. "This is not ok." I said. I log into my twitter and write "Everyone who is sending hate and hurtful things to Molly need to stop this instent. Molly is my girlfriend and I love her with all my heart. You all need to stop right now!" And I push send. I go over to Molly and hug her telling her what I tweeted. "It hurts Liam. I just can't take it!" She says. "Molly, I love you. And just because people are saying that stuff doesn't make me love you any less." She hugs me and says "How am I so lucky to have someone like you?" "I ask myself that about you everyday." We lay down in bed in each others arms for the remainder of the day. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

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