Chapter 8: To Infinity And Beyond

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Hey everyone! Um, sorry I didn't post chapter 8 yesterday. I was so busy! I didn't have any time to write. But, I'm here now. So, chapter 8 is about Molly and Liam and it's just a very romantic evening for them (; Enjoy Xx


>Liam's POV<

This morning, I decided to set out a romantic date for Molly tonight. I wanted her to have a proper date and I just wanted her to know I love her. I call up the guys to help plan it. They're my best mates, so obviously they would help me. I call up Louis first. "Ello, Liam. What's up?" He asks. "I want to set out a moonlight picnic date for Molly tonight out at the dock. Will you and the boys help me?" I ask. "Of course! What do you need us to do?" I tell him the plan and he said he would call Zayn, Niall, and Harry and have them help. After he hang up, I go wake up Molly. I kneel down next to her and kiss her softly. Her eyes open and I say "Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. We have a big day planned." She sits up and says "What are we doing?" I smile and say "I'm not telling you. So, get dressed because I'm taking you out for breakfast." And I walk out of the room.

>Molly's POV<

I wake up to a kiss on the lips. I open my eyes to Liam. He says we have a big day planned but he wont tell me what we're doing. I get up and go the wardrobe. I take out an outfit I bought with Amanda and Serena. I loved this one. A white lace top, a high-low brown skirt, and leather ankle boots. I wear my hair down and curl the ends. I brush my teeth and then put makeup on. I take a look at myself and walk downstairs. Liam is sitting on the couch waiting for me. He looks up and looks me up and down. "Well, don't you look gorgeous." I go and sit on his lap. "You don't look to bad yourself, mister." He kisses me and then says "Ready for breakfast?" I nod and we walk hand in hand out the door. We drive to a little diner and we get our seats. I then here a familiar, deep, British voice come from the counter. I look up and see Niall, Harry, Louis, and Zayn smiling down at me. "Excuse me everyone! If you don't know who we are, we are One Direction. We have had a special request by one of our band members, Liam, to sing a song for his wonderful girlfriend, Molly." I then see Liam get up on the counter and he winks at me. They start singing one of my favorite songs, Stole My Heart. Liam was looking at me the whole time.

>Liam's POV<

I knew Molly loved Stole My Heart so I knew we just had to sing it. She was dancing along the whole time. After the little show was over everyone clapped and we all got down off the counter. I go back over to Molly who was smiling. "I love you, Molly. With everything I've got. You stole my heart." I took her hand and we had a lovely rest of the day. It came time for the date and it was around nine o'clock. I drove her to the dock where I had the boys set up the picnic. I park the car and we get out. Molly sees the picnic and gasps. "I-Is this-s for m-me?" She stuttered. "Yep, for you and only you." I take her hand and and we walk to the picnic. I had a surprise for Molly but that wouldn't come till the end. We sat down and ate and talked and laughed. We just had an amazing time. By the end of the picnic, I knew it was now or never. "Um, Molly?" I say. "Yea, Liam?" She says. "Ok, I'm really not good at speeches but I am going to try anyways. Molly, I love you with all my heart. You are my world and I couldn't ask for anyone better. You know how to make me smile and laugh whenever I've had a rough day. You are sweet and caring and everything I could ask for and more. You and me, we have this bond. No one will break it. So, to prove that, I want to give you this." I reach into my pocket and pull out a tiny black box. I hand it to her and see she is crying a little bit. She opens it and her eyes go wide. "I give you this infinity ring because, Molly, I love you to infinity and beyond."

>Molly's POV<

Just when i thought this date couldn't get any better, Liam gives me an infinity ring. I am crying now because I love this boy with all my heart and I never want to let him go. "I give you this infinity ring because, Molly, I love you to infinity and beyond. Do you accept this?" He asks, I can tell he is nervous. I look in his eyes and say "Yes, a million and one times yes!" He smiles so big and he takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto my finger. He stands up and picks me up and swings me around. I giggle and he laughs.

He finally puts me down and kisses me passionately. We then pack up the picnic and go home. When we get inside, our lips meet at once. Liam is the one for me. Im not losing him. We break away and he leads me up the stairs. We both want each other and that's it. We make it to the bedroom and he gently lays me down and we kiss like it's our last. Things start to spice up and everything just feels right. We had no distractions. It was just me and Liam.

>Liam's POV<

Molly is mine. I love her. And I'm not going to let her get away. We are on the bed slowly getting more intimated with every kiss, with every touch. It was nperfect. "Liam, if you're ready I'm ready." She tells me. "Ok, I'm ready." She nods and it just happens. No regrets, no mistakes. Just perfection. We escaped into the night and all we needed was each other. It was the perfect night. I will remember this night for the rest of my life. Molly is my princess and in every moment we just shared, I knew she would always be mine. We snuggled up close after and her head was on my chest. I stroked her hair and said "I love you." She smiles and says "And I love you." That was all that was said because we didn't need to say anymore. We drifted off to sleep as happy as could be.

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