Chapter 14: Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind

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Bonjour mes lecteurs belles! Comment êtes-vous tous? (Hello my lovely readers! How are you all?) Sorry, I felt a French vibe going on (: So, this story is almost over. I have a few more chapters left for you though! But, I will be writing a sequel!! Yay!! Well, enjoy! ♥ Xx


>Molly's POV<

"Liam! Come here please!" I say is a shaky voice. I am looking through my twitter and see all this hate again. Liam told me not to go on twitter anymore but it was biting at me not to look. "What's wrong Mollypop?" He asks, using the new nickname he gave me. He looks at the computer screen, skimming through what people were saying. "Molly, I told you not to look at this stuff anymore!" He tells me as I go and curl up crying on the bed. I go into the fetal position and let out my tears. I hear footsteps coming closer to me and then Liam sits on the bed next to me. He wraps his arms around me and rocks me back and forth. "Sh, sh. Its going to be ok, love." I shake my head in response. "Nancy is the one mostly doing it though, Liam! Didn't you see all of that?" I sob. I look up at him and he is pouting a bit and giving me his puppy eyes. "Come here. Does Mommy Direction want to sit on Daddy Direction's lap?" I had to giggle at him. I sit on his lap and he puts his arms around my waist. "Better?" He asks me. I put my forhead to his and sigh. "Better." I say. Then a knock on the door startles us.

>Liam's POV<

Nancy really needs to stop this. She is making my girfriend's life a living hell and that is not ok. I take Molly's hand and we head downstairs to see who is at the door. I open it to find two very unwelcomed faces looking at us. "Ugh!! Just leave us alone already! Haven't you put us through enough hell?" Molly says to Nancy and Matt. Nancy is wearing the most revealing items of clothing I've ever seen on a girl. And Matt looks like his face needs a new bruise. I roll up my sleeves and say "You really want to make me mad again?" Matt smirks and says "Definately dude! That's totally why I'm hear." Sarcasm dripping from every word. I lift my fist and Matt flinched but then I see the cops pull up. Matt and Nancy turn around and their faces fall. The cops come over and say "You are now under arrest for harassment and adult bullying. There is a lovely restraining order waiting for you at the jail house." I hear footsteps behind me and turn to see Molly walking towards me. "I called the police. They won't be back for a long, long time." She says with a smirk. "Hey! Watch it, bro!" I hear Matt say. "Ow! My nail! You broke my freaking nail." Nancy screams. They drive off in the police cruiser and I shut the door. Molly and I go to the couch and cuddle up to each other. "They're gone. Finally!" Molly says. I chuckle and reply "Out of sight, out of mind." We fall asleep after a while.

>Molly's POV<

I wake up with my head on Liam's chest. He snoring lightly and I look up at him. He is so adorable when he is sleeping. I look at the clock and it reads seven thirty. I unravel myself from Liam and go to the kitchen. I decide to cook some soup because I was starving. As I'm about to turn on the stove, Liam walks in and says "You left me. Meanie." His morning voice, well more like his night voice, is so sexy. He gives me a pout like a five year old and I giggle. "Do you want food or not?" I ask. His face lights up and says "Yes! I'm starving right now." I finish the soup and we eat on the island. "So, Mollypop. I was thinking about a triple date tomorrow night. You me, Serena and Haz, and Amanda and Nialler. What do you say?" He looks at me with hopeful eyes. "I say of course! Sounds fun!" And he cheers. "This should be good." I say. After our soup is done, we aren't really tired yet. "What do you wanna do, Daddy Directioner?" I ask, using his nickname. "How about we "go to bed." He says and looks at me in "that way" when he says 'go to bed.' I giggle when he walks over to me and picks me up. We go to the room and have a 'fun' filled night.

>Liam's POV<

When I wake up the next morning, feeling great, I notice Molly isn't in bed. I go downstairs to find her reading the newspaper. She is wearing her glasses, obviously not wearing her contacts. Her nose is scrunched a little, in a cute look of concentration. "Hello gorgeous." I say and she looks up. "How long have you been standing there?" She asks. "A few minutes. I couldn't help but notice how cute you looked. She blushes, which makes me walk over to her and kiss her forhead, nose, then lips. She giggles and says "Well, good morning to you too, Liam." I smile and say "We have that triple date tonight remember?" She smiles back and says "Yes, babe. I do remember." I look down and smirk. Tonight is the night. After the date, I am taking her to the park and I, Liam Payne, am proposing to Molly, the love of my life.

(A/N): Yes, Serena and Harry are back tron the Caribbean. Its only been four days since the wedding. Just in case you were wondering how they got back so quickly! (:

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