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 Later that day I was in the gym, punching bags. I punch one particularly hard and it flew back but then came back at me at a fast rate. I feel the bag hit me and I fall back onto the floor with a loud thud. I groan. I hear laughter from the doorway and I turn to see Nat, Clint and Steve coming in. I roll my eyes, getting up off the floor.

"Nice job there." Clint comments and I send him a glare.

"Hardy har har." I say, holding the bag in place. I unwrap my hands, throwing the bandages into a trash can. They chuckle at me.

"I guess the bag wanted a little payback after being abused so much." Nat says and I turn around.

"I punched it too hard, that's it." I tell her and she gives me an unconvinced look.

"Sure." Clint says. I was about to retort when I get a sight of the mat behind them. I give them a devilish grin.

"Ok. Lets spar to see who is right. If I win you all owe me ten bucks. Each." I tell them. They give me a surprised look before Clint smiles.

"And if we win?" He asks.

"I give you ten bucks each." I answer.

"Plus you have to clean the pool." He says and I raise a brow.

"Really?" I say and he nods. I think about it before nodding. "Fine."

I walk up to the mat and Clint follows. As soon as he comes on I go into attack mode. We both start to circle each other, keeping our eyes locked. He gave me a smirk.

"You can back out now you know." He says.

"Never." I reply. I lunge at him but he expects it, stepping to the side but I nick his side. He quickly grabs my arm and pulls it behind me. I kick him in the shin and he loosens his grip giving me enough time to jab him in the stomach with my elbow. I turn back to him. He had his hand clutching his midsection but quickly recovered. He ran at me but I moved out of the way just in time, kicking him in his back as he went past me. He fell to the floor but then spins his foot around, kicking my feet from beneath me.

I fall on my back and I wince in pain as my stomach contorts into pain. He notices this, his features softening.

"Hey are you ok?" He says. I take this as an advantage and then kick my foot under his feet, knocking him to the ground. I stand quickly, scrambling up before he could. He takes in a deep breath, then looks at me.

"Oh it is so on." We exchange a few kicks and punches but we both dodge them. Moving quickly and with many training lessons backing us up. I throw a punch but he catches my fist in his hand and flips me. I fall onto my back. He has me pinned in a few seconds. He smirks.

"I win." He says. I realize something and give him an evil grin. Confusion littered his face before I suddenly kick my knees and I use my hands to flip him over. I trap him on the floor. He tries to move but sees he can't. He gives up.

"What was that about winning?" I tell him after catching my breath. He huffs out and I look at Steve and Nat. They both have shocked faces on but Nat turns to a grin.

"Adara wins." She says and I let him go. I stand with glee while it takes him a moment to follow me. I hold out my hand to him.

"Payment." I say. He rolls his eyes and reaches into his back pocket, pulling out a 10 dollar bill and slapping it into my hand. I smile and turn to the others.

"I didn't even say anything." Steve mutters but pulls out a ten as well. Nat does the same and I shove the 30 bucks in my back pocket.

"Thank you for your corporation."

I sat in the lab while Bruce tested my blood pressure. He had called me in threw Jarvis, wanting to try a few tests to see if I was truly alright. Despite my protests, he convinced me to let him take a look at me. So now I sat here with a band around my upper right arm, it growing tighter as Bruce pumped the little thing attached to it. I tapped my foot in boredom, looking around the room as Bruce studied a screen.

"Are we done yet?" I whine. Staying in one place at the same time had always made me agitated. He shook his head.

"Not yet." He said. I waited there for another few moments before he nodded, taking off the band. "Done." I rub my arm.

"Why does it have to be so tight? My arm hurts." I tell him.

"To take your blood pressure you need to do it tight so it can gain a proper amount." He explains and I hop off the table. I stretch.

"Are we done?" I ask.

"I guess. But I would like to ask you a question." He says and I raise a brow. He seemed pretty serious so I leaned on the table, crossing my arms.

"Shoot." I told and he took off his glasses, cleaning them with his shirt.

"That day when you used the full potential of your powers..." He started, placing his glasses back on. "You explained to us what happened. You had seen your parents for a second time. But...I don't know. You had seemed a bit hesitant about something. I may be just imagining things. But when you did use your power, did you see anything else besides your parents?" I made myself not tense up. I had seen Loki. I felt like I should tell him but I hold back.

"Nope." I answer. He sighs.

"Ok. Your done." He says and I walk out of room. I thought maybe I should tell him. But what way would it help for him to know that Loki was in it? I decided it was for the best for no one to know and I made my way to my bedroom.

a pair of differences • loki | discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now