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Adara's POV

  I sit criss cross on my bed, staring at my wall. I try to create any emotion in my person to fall away. I try to become empty but I just can't. I groaned, laying back on my bed. I cross my hands over my stomach, thinking. So. I couldn't go outside until that psycho was caught. All because of some threat. I thought of my parents. Not one day. Not one day went by that I didn't think of them. What would have happened if my father had never joined SHIELD. We would be a big happy family. Together.

  We could be a normal. We would have a normal house. Normal neighbors. Just plain old normal normal. I had always craved that word. Normal was something that had never really come into my life. Normal for me was fighting. Normal for me was saving the earth. That was my kind of normal. But I still wished to be normal with a family. My mother and father still alive in front of me. I imagined something nice. Something anyone would dream of. But I couldn't when I knew it wasn't true. I could never be normal because I wasn't normal. Not even in the slightest. I powered up my hand, green sparks igniting into an orb. I let it burn there. It just kept getting bigger and I made no attempt to stop it. Then my hand started to sting.

  I inhaled sharply, putting it out. I grabbed my hand. On it lay a large red mark. As if I had been burnt. I looked at it with horror. That had never happened before. Whenever I used my energy I never got hurt. It never affected me. I furrowed my brow. I wonder what that meant.

  They were leaving. In one day I would not see them for...I don't even know how long. They said we could all call each other or communicate threw a video if I ever feel lonely. I didn't know if that would work. With so much happening now I just couldn't handle another thing like this. I didn't want them to leave. I wanted us to defeat Leon together. We were separating. Would this have happened if I never went on the trip to Spain? I don't think it would have. A month away seemed to have a great impact on what was going on now.

  Tony suggested to have one last party before everyone left just to lighten the mood. I couldn't think I could go. I just didn't think I could bring myself to attend a party in favor of them all leaving. It was tonight so I had to make a decision. I had been in my room the entire day since the talk we all had yesterday. I knew they didn't trust me. How could thye? I escaped to try and find Leon. Twice no doubt. I had almost gotten killed twice in the process. I rubbed my side where the wound was. I still had a bandage but it was small, sticking to my side like a large band aid instead of around my entire waist. It would have been worse if Loki hadn't saved me.

  I still found it strange that he did so. I could see when he saw me that he was afraid. I had seen it in his eyes. But still I did not know why. He has saved me how many times. I still remembered that day the day of the New york attack. He had caused it yes, but he had also saved me twice. He had kept me out of harm's way when the attack began. Then the other time when I was pinned by that alien. He had shot it. I wonder if he still remembered it.

  I lay in my bed, blankets around me and I was curled into a tight ball. I had my eyes closed so I didn't have my eyes subject to the light before me. I still couldn't get over the size of this bed. If I laid horizontally my feet still wouldn't hang over the edge. I loved the smell of it as well. It had that blanket smell. You know when your really tired and the soft fabric softener makes its way into your nostrils. Yeah. That is what I was smelling. I was so tired I could barely take it. I just needed to fall asleep. Drift off to sleep. Then a loud knocking hit my door.

  I jumped, almost falling off my bed. I groaned. I turned towards the door. Maybe if I didn't talk they wouldn't think I was in here.

  "I know you're in there!" Nat's voice said threw the door. I rolled my eyes. I sunk back into my bed, covering my head with my blankets.

  "Go away. Too tired." I yelled out sleepily. That is when I remembered I forgot to lock it. The door swung open and I saw Nat's figure walking towards my bed. Then suddenly she ripped the blankets off my head and I saw blinded by a bright light. I half screamed and clawed for the blanket. "Give it back!"

  "No. You have been sleeping in nonstop everyday. It's 2:45 in the afternoon. You need to get up!" She scolded and I gave her my best glare.

"Because I am tired. When I am tired I sleep. Basic human function." I said then pulled my sheets over my face once more. She pulled it down just like before. I hit my hand on the bed like an infant. "Let me sleep!" Instead of proceeding to my wishes, she pulled on my legs, pulling me off the bed. I yelped as I hit the floor. I was in a heap of blankets and I then gave her a look before snuggling in the blankets on the floor. I could feel her eye roll.

"This is the last time we get to see each other for a while and your acting like a little kid." She said and that caught my attention. I sighed, turning towards her. Since I was on the floor she towered over me.

"Look all of this is...tough. I just don't know how to deal with it all." I tell her. She nodded, coming down to my level, placing her hands on her knees.

"I know. But I think, despite all our differences in the past months, we need to all spend today together rather than separated. Were all your friends and were trying to look after you." She said. I nodded.

"Yeah. I think your right."

I followed Nat out of my room and she forced me to get dressed. I now wore a purple tank top and dark jeans. We then walked downstairs and to the living room, all the while I was praying nothing bad would happen. We then went into the living room. I saw everyone gathered together. Tony and Bruce were one the far side of the wall, drinks in hand, talking about what I presumed about science stuff. Clint sat alone on the couch, slightly leaned over and hands clasped together. Thor sat across from him in a small swivel chair, not seeming comfortable. Steve was by the bar, tapping his fingers on the glass. Once hearing me and Nat come in they turned to us. Tony cracked a smile.

"Finally up?" He said.I roll my eyes.

"Yeah and I should call you Snark instead of Stark." I told him with a smirk and his smile just widened more. Everyone gave a small smile at my joke and I joined them.

"Took her long enough to get up." Nat said and I gave an offended face.

"Ouch. That really hurts." I say dramatically, placing a hand on my heart. She laughed, taking a seat next to Clint.

"Were glad to see your feeling better." Bruce said and I smiled at him.

"Yeah well, I was told there was a reason to be here." I told him and Tony clapped his hands, an evil glint in his eyes. "Uh oh. What does that mean?" Everyone laughed. Tony set his drink down then basically jumped up and down like a crazy person. I quirked an eyebrow. He looked up. Steve shook his head.

"Jarvis." Tony called.

"Yes Mr. Stark?" Jarvis said.

"Please call the limo." He told Jarvis and I looked at him with confusion.

"Yes Mr. Stark." Tony looked back at me, an evil grin on his face.

"What is going on?" I asked.

"Tony thought it best to celebrate before they all go on their voyage to revenge. Celebrate at if I remember the word correctly." Thor said and Tony now looked like a madman. I looked at him.

"A club? Tony I can't go to a club." I told him and he raised a hand.

"Yes you can and we all agree." He said. I turned to Nat and Clint. They smiled.

"Really guys?" I say and Nat chuckles.

"It will be fun.One last hurrah before we leave." Clint says. "Only if you want to." They then all turned to me. I thought it over. It could be fun. Very fun. I hadn't gone to a full on club in four years. I thought about asking if Loki could come but I knew they would all hate it. I decided to leave him here. He wouldn't like hanging around a bunch of, what he calls, Misgardians. I sighed then smiled wide. I raised my hands in the air.

"Guess where going to the club!" 

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