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  Loki's POV

I have been practicing all day. Stuck in my room like a prisoner. I wouldn't have any more of it. I had heard those band of heroes leave so that could give me time to at least stretch my legs beyond the room I sat in. I then left, closing the door in my wake and walked off down the hall. It was strangely quiet. Different. With those imbeciles gone I would have some peace. I walked down a small flight of steps when I had a thought. Maybe with everyone gone I would have a chance to talk with Adara. It isn't so far fetched to think I could have another, actual meaningful conversation without all of them looking over our shoulder.

I had no chance to talk to her yesterday and I found now would be an opportune time. I searched for her mind and suddenly found it. She was in the living room. I went to go into the room when I heard another mind. A mind I knew all too well. Thor. I let out a small growl. Despite the circumstance I still made my way over to the living room. I then started to hear them talk. I could stand still just for a moment to hear them. I would be...accidently standing here while they were talking. I was by the doorway and leaned my ear to them better.

"But I don't think I ever will." Thor finishes a sentence I am happy I didn't hear the rest. His voice set my nerves on edge. "Why do you ask this?"

"Guess I was just curious." I hear Adara's voice say. What were they discussing? I had the impulse to search their minds but I thought twice of it. I knew that Adara would despise someone searching threw her mind or her friend's mind. Even though that friend being an witless oaf. I continued to listen.

"You do not sound so sure." Thor says.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you sure you you are just curious? You don't have anything on your mind?" He asks. She hesitated. I decided to look around the corner. I saw Thor in front of Adara with some sort of board between them. She was playing with a piece from the board, a wrapper of something beside her. She looked in thought. Suddenly, Thor placed a hand on top of Adara's and she looked up. "I am your friend and you look to be upset. If you want to say something you may speak." I grind my teeth and narrow my eyes at Thor. She broke into a smile.

"Nah. I was just curious. Now that we have played battleship, you want to play chess?" She asks, moving her hand and collecting the things on the floor.

"That sounds like fun. I have played chess I think before." He tells her and she nods.

"Cool. I'll go get it." She said. Adara then went to the doorway where I stood. I teleported back to my room quickly before she could see me. Back in my room I kept replaying what I had seen in my head over and over. Thor touching her hand. Thor comforting her. I felt anger course threw my veins at the mere fact of them talking to one another. I couldn't place why but at the moment I did not care.

Adara's POV

After Thor and I played some chess( and him winning almost every time) I decided to head to the library alone for a little bit. I walk in and still can't believe Tony had a huge library. He probably never used it. I found books interesting more than I found technology interesting. Books held things that the new science couldn't take away. Don't get me wrong, I love tech. I love phones and computers and everything like that, but I just loved to read. I would call myself a bookworm. No. A bookworms bookworm, that is just how much I loved to read. When I was younger, before everything happened, my father said that someday I could be a writer if wanted. I still kept that to my heart to this day.

I got the book I had left off from before and curled up in a seat in the back. I opened up the page and started to read. While doing so, the book came to a part where the main character had to say goodbye to her friends, having to run away from home. I started to think about my life recently. The others had left only a few hours ago but I still seemed to feel lonely. Maybe I was being a baby about the situation. They would be gone only for a while. Maybe only for a few weeks or so if they were lucky. They would find the antidote. They would find Leon and stop the chaos he has inflicted upon us and others.

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