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"Hi guys, it's Saturday that means- drum rolls please - a video with all of us!" One of Calum's friends - Michael - says and the other three boys cheer making silly faces. "Michael here." He continues.

"Ash," the boy besides him says raising his hand as well.

"Luke," Luke says raising his hand.

"And Calum!" Calum finishes the introduction they do in all their together videos.

"So this week we are doing the everything week! We announced this on twitter a few hours ago and asked us to send challenges or questions with the hashtag #5SOSDoEverything," Luke says looking directly at the camera.

"@fivesecondsofpizza says, can you lick your elbow?" Calum reads out loud and the four boys try to lick their elbows.

"I can't." Michael says looking at his mates that are desperately trying to lick their elbows.

"Me neither." Calum says wipping his arm that had his own saliva.

"I'm doing it!" Ashton says struggling to talk while he is licking his elbow.

"That's impressive." Luke says giving up as well.

"A round of applause for Ashton Irwin please!" Michael says mocking a voice of an announcer, the three boys cheer and Ashton pretends to be crying from happiness.

"Next question or challenge." Calum says looking to his phone.

"You can't have your eyes open Calum! That's cheating!" Luke says with a childish voice and Calum rolls his eyes clossing them right after and scrolls blindingly through his iPhone.

He stops scrolling and opens his eyes to read the question, "@penguinlukey says, Calum is it true that you and Rae are dating since 2010?" Calum reads out loud and sighs.

"Let's clear things up a bit, I didn't know Rae; she sent me a dm on twitter asking how I got her twitter because I answered one of her tweets about the rumours, that is how we met basically. I guess you can say that we are friends, maybe if you meet at the Youtube Meet. I don't know anything could happen." Calum says shrugging his shoulders.

"You know what, you should write this, Calum and Rae are going to date for real." Michael says and grabs his phone to write a note. "Here," Michael says showing the phone to the camera where was a note saying.

"The wise Michael Clifford once said that Calum and Rae were going to end up dating."

"I do not think that's going to happen, don't get me wrong I mean Rae is gorgeous and she seems a great girl but I think we will just become good friends." Calum says and Luke places his hand on Calum's shoulder.

"Sure, whatever you see buddy." Luke says and Ashton wiggles his eyebrows to the camera.

The video goes by with stupid challenges and lots od laughing.


Rae clicks to send a DM on the twitter app and starts tapping on her phone.

"@RaeUnderwood: Anything could happen? Seriously Calum?"

Rae sends laughing as she watched the video that had been uploaded just a few minutes ago.

"@CalumHood: What? I was under pressure!"

"@RaeUnderwood: Oh, and I'm gorgeous? Thank you so much, Calum."

"@CalumHood: Why are you even watching my video, Rae?"

"@RaeUnderwood: People were saying that you talked about me, I had to see!"

"@CalumHood: Sure, Rae, you just wanted to see my incredibly hot face."

"@RaeUnderwood: Don't be so sure of yourself, Hood."

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