Chapter 3 - His Rage

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Koba truged on towards his home. His body ached with the agonising pain he was now truly feeling from the fight. Which pain was worse he didn't know. The emtional or the physically. Both were threatening to break him asunder. Koba was quietly cryimg to himself. Tears streaming down his scared face like his waterfall home.

If Caesar had listend. No this WAS all Caesar's fault. He was still suprised that his King had even had the stomach to drop him over the edge. He never thought his King eould do such an act. A deep intense feeling of hate overwhelmed Koba. He hated Caesar. The urge to turn around and kill him was stronger than ever before.

He saw a stray horse. At least he wouldn't be alone when he returned home. He calmed the started animal then mounted it. Koba road on home. Once at the edge he placed the horse in the paddock were other horses had lived. He slowly draged his sore body to his hut in the now destroyed home of the apes. Silly. He shouldn't have burnt most of it. He instantly wanted to hit himself for his stupidity.

As he got closer he heard hooots and a laugh. He frowened. Did Apes return?

He slowly crunched low and kept himself hidden as he aprouched the sounds. The first thing he saw was a Human female. His face scrunched up in pure and utter rage. He was instantly filled with disgust for this vile creature. This... Thing was desecrating His home. Her very presence was sickening. He saw a spear next to him. He grasped it fingers curling around it with all his anger. His grip was tight.

He slowly stood ready to kill this abomination. She didn't deserve to live. No human deserved to live.


Koba froze. His slow advancement towards her stopped. He saw a about six no seven young apes. They were all so young. Koba was left shocked. His body went slack as he watched them all run up and tackle her. He expected her to get angry and harm them but no. The female giggled and slowly layed down on the ground. She rolled around with them as the hooted happily.


Koba looked again and sure enough another ape appeared. He was almost as big as the female human. He frowned. Keena? Must be her name. It sounded ape like. Looking at the female he saw she was very young. Almost the same age as this male that had appeared. He wanted to kill her but he found himself intrigued by the interactions between her and the young apes.

He hadn't seen anything like it. Her actions and gestures were of that of an ape, not human. He saw one of the gorillla babies go to the edge of the falls. His eyes widened as she peered over.

He saw Keena look around and yelp. She ran over and grasped the little one as the baby sliped off of the edge. She threw herself back hitting the muddy ground. The little ape was on her tummy. She hugged the little one too herself. She cooed amd rocked the gorilla as it cried. The others came over hunging and patting the ape to comfort her.

This was perhaps the most disturbing thing Koba had ever witnessed in his life. He didn't even notice that he had dropped the spear. The gears in his head turned. He was thinking. He quietly slipped away. There was another place he could rest and stay. It wasn't far. Infact he hadn't told Caesar about it. It was a vast network of caves that he had found. They were untouched. He trudged on through the mud. His pain all but forgotten.

This human was truly ugly and filthy. If he killed her out right then the little apes would reject him. He smirked. If he played it right, he could dispose of her and keep the apelings.

Oh Koba. Killing her is a very dumb idea. Lol.

So another chapter is up. Koba is almost like the other side of Caesar. Two side to a coin. He is just as smart as Caesar but his anger is what clouds his judgment.

So what did you guys think? =)

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