Chapter 6 - Sickness

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Azzakeena couldn't move. She rolled over and vomited. She must of eaten something bad. Keena forced herself up but the world spun as she walked out of the quick hut she built for the little ones and herself. As she walked out she lurched then tripped. As she fell Keena landed in mud. The little ones were out playing somewhere with Shadow. She was all alone.

Keena couldn't move. The sickly girl vomited again and then she lost consciousness.

Koba left his caves. He had food and water. He didn't need to worry about food for awhile. He trudged on towards the old ape home. The human was always good for keeping him preoccupied. She was clumsy. Always falling over and she really did not know how to skin that deer ot how tonstore and care for it properly. It made Koba question how she was even stilll breathing. She really had know idea whst she was doing. Her movements were that of a child. A pathetically dumb child. Koba thought for a moment then shook his head. That's just an insult to ape children. They are far superior to this waste of air and space.

As he got there Koba heared no noise. A quick servey of the area said they weren't here. He was about to look for them when he smelt something disgusting. It came near the poorly built hut. He dropped to the ground and slowly walked over. His eyes went wide as he saw the small female laying in a her own vomit and shit. He poked her softly. No response. She was still breathing but only just. He touched her forhead. It was boiling hot. She was sick. Koba saw Shadow and the other little apes return. He looked back at Azaakeena. If he didn't help her she would die.

Koba was faced with two decisions.

1) Leave and let her die.
2) Take her home and help her.

Koba hated humans and yet this one had so far proven to be... Like an ape. She was kind, loving and thought of apes before herself. She put herself last. He was still very angry with Caesar but he knew his King wouldn't leave her to die. He would do everthing he could to help sombody as kind caring and defenceless as this one tiny female before him. Koba's decision was made up and it was probably for the best.

With great annoyance Koba picked her up gently and gestured for the other apes to follow him.

He took them to his caves. The hut that the human had made was pathetic. It wasn't even worth calling a hut. No warmth in that thing for the human or apes. Koba noticed how revolting she smelt. Why was he even bothering. Sure the young apes loved her but he certainly didn't. The female was long and bony. Overall she was a pathetic disgusting creature that his traitorous body found to be pleasing to the eye. Koba placed her on the ground near his bed. He began by removing all her clothes and shoes. They smelt.

"Human will die if I not help. Take this and go clean it at river." Koba gave Keena's items to Shadow. The young male took Azaakeena's things and left.

With that done Koba grabbed a bucket and filled it with water from the caves natural reserve. He sent Shadow away as he didn't need the young male to question him. Koba had noticed that like him Shadow disliked the human and had a rather bad temper. It was easier to work without having to worry about Shadow questioning him and getting in the way.

Koba cleaned Keena's body and searched for any bite marks or scratches. He frowned when he saw how skinny she truly was. He looked behind him. The young apes were very healthy and certainly were not underfed. Koba growled. This human was even dumber than he had realised. He was wrong. She was no danger to apes. She was more of a danger to herself. She had neglected herself so much that she was malnourished and her bones showed making her open for disease. He saw a scratch on her leg. His eyes widened when he saw that it looked infected. He hissed agressivly.

Koba boiled water on a fire. The scratch had to be cleaned then cut from her body. Cleaned again and then burnt to stop her crom bleeding out. He got a knife and put it on the fire to remove any bad germs.

He was quick clean the wound. He grasped her and used the knife to cut the infected flesh of of her. He was glad that it was only a litte bit or she would be in more trouble. He ran hot water over the wound again after he was done. The water ran over and removed a lot of blood. Azaakeena was still asleep. Koba was happy about that. He didnt need the stupid human screaming in his ears.

He then took her to the fire and with a burning branch he burnt her wound. Keena woke up and screached in pure agony. Koba held her fast and hard like a mountain. She decended back into darkness and Koba put her in his bed.  He covered her with fur letting her rest now. He made a bed for the little apes and Shadow when he came back.

Koba groaned. It was going to be a long day looking after this human. What was he doing? Caring for an idiotic human. However Koba didn't know who was more stupid at this moment. The female for not looking after herself better or him, for bringing her to his cave and then helping her.

So Azzakeena is sick. Koba to the rescue! Lol.

Oh by the way that is NOT how you treat an infected wound. I don't know how you would do it without medication and as this is just a book I thought it was easier to make it up. I will go back and uhh "fix" it and actually find out another time when I can be bothered.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. =)

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