Final Author's Note

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While writing this latest chapter, I realized that I have dug myself into quite the hole. There are pieces of this plot to come that I have not established well, and quite a few things I'd like to build on, so between that and the changes I have in mind, I've decided that it's time for me to move onto a second draft. I'll not deny that I'm a little sad to end this one here, but I think it's best for the progression of this story, for me, and for you-- I don't think it's fair to either of us, reader, for me to spend my time producing work that is not the quality I'd like it to be.

There will be some differences between this book and its second draft, and I welcome any feedback on what I've done well in this story and what I can fix in my next. So: the end of this draft is not the end of this story, and I hope you'll enjoy the second even more than the first.

Here's the link:

The Balance (First Draft | Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now