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Last night was amazing for both of us. I think the conversation we had about Amelia and the mama situation that happened at school added even more fuel to our passion. It was definitely a relief to know that we were both on the same page in our relationship. Not only did Lauren make love to me till I passed out last night but this morning her and Amelia woke me up with breakfast in bed.

"Good morning my love.." Lauren say with the tray of breakfast in her hands.

"Good morning mama!" Amelia said as she jumped onto the bed to hug Camila.

I don't know if it was last night or this morning but I'm extremely thankful Lauren put a shirt on me. "Good morning my little mermaid" Camila said as she tapped Amelia's nose and then kissed her on the cheek.

"And Good morning to you my green eyed beauty. What's all this?" Camila said smiling up at Lauren.

"Me and mommy made you breffast in bed cause mommy said we should make you feel extra special so you would say yes to our note."

"Amelia you weren't supposed to say that part!" Lauren said shaking her head.

"What note?", "What part mommy?" Camila and Amelia's said at the same time.

"This note camzi!" Amelia said pulling it out of her princess robe. "Mommy let me write it all by myself" she said with a proud smile.

Camila grabs the note from Amelia and opens it.

Deer Camzi,

Will you livv wif us? Pwease mama?

Ps. If you say yes I'll give you moore kistees.

Love Amelia oh and mommy

Camila couldn't help the huge grin that appeared on her face. She just felt so happy and completely loved. She looked at Amelia then at Lauren both of them had adorable pleading eyes and they just made her heart melt even more.

"Well mama?" Amelia said crawling into her lap and then placing both hands on Camila's cheeks.

Camila smiled at her adoringly. "Of course I'll live with you guys. You're my two favoritest people in the world." Camila said placing kisses all over Amelia's face as she giggled.

"Yay!!!! Mommy, Camzi is going to livv wif us. Camzi I thought you already liv wif us cause you always here but mommy said no. Why you no livv wif us before mama?"

Camila laughed. "Because you and your mommy didn't ask me till now."

"Ok munchkin move over so your mama can eat her breakfast."

"Ok mommy. I sorry mama."

"It's ok baby. I love your hugs and kisses."

"I love yours too camzi!"

"Ok come on silly girl time to take you to preschool say goodbye to mama."

"Bye mama. Have fun at work. I see you laters." Amelia said giving Camila a kiss on the cheek. Then she ran out to grab her backpack.

"I'll be back my love. Enjoy your food. I'll be back before you leave for work." Lauren said as she kissed Camila.

Camila smiled into Lauren's kiss. "Thank you baby. You are the best. I love you sooo fucking much." Camila kissed Lauren's on the lips again.

"Only the best for the best baby." Lauren said as she brushed Camila's cheek and smiled. "I'll be back babe." Camila nodded then Lauren gave her one last kiss before walking out the bedroom.


"Babe I'm back."

"Hey baby!" Camila greeted Lauren as she put on her shoes.

"You look beautiful my love." Lauren said as she walked toward Camila to give her a kiss.

"Thank you baby. What time are you going into work today?"

"I'm not I took today off so I can go to your parents house and bring the rest of your things over."

"Wait.. what? Are you serious?"

"Well yeah. I mean you already got like 70 percent of your things here so it's not like it'll take all day. Plus your mom already started boxing things."

"My mom knows?"

"Yeah I told her a few days ago I wanted to ask you so when you said yeah I called her after I dropped off Amelia and told her you said yeah and that I'll be by later to collect your things and she told me she'd start boxing things up now so they'd be ready by the time I get there."

"Damn my mom wants me gone that bad huh?" Camila said chuckling.

"Oh hush babe. She was probably just thinking it was about damn time because you were pretty much living here."

"That's true. But now it's official. There's no way you're getting rid of me now baby." Camila says with a smirk.

Lauren walks up to Camila and wraps her arms around her. "Good! Because I wouldn't want it any other way." Lauren says as she kisses Camila on the forehead.

Camila stares into Lauren's eyes. "You know all this time I thought I knew what love was but the truth is I didn't know what it truly was till I met you."

Lauren smiles at Camila. " baby.. if anyone deserved love it's you. And I'm honored to be the one showing it and giving it to you." Lauren said kissing Camila on the lips. It was meant to be a sweet peck but Camila wasn't having it.

Once they pulled away from their heated make out. Camila gave Lauren one last peck on the mouth before going to work. Camila was happier than she's ever been, it's funny now looking back at how heart broken she was over Austin when that love she had with him was nothing compared to the love with Lauren and it's strange considering her and Lauren have only been together for a few months compared to her 4 years with Austin. If someone told her a year ago that she'd be this happy she'd smack them in the face and call them a liar for playing with her emotions. But now she's found love, happiness, and a family in Lauren and Amelia and she's going to hold on to them as hard as she can. Because she'd be damned if someone tried to come along and take away her babies.

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