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It's been 3 weeks since the dinner we had with Normani and Dinah, we've talked here and there but not like we used to. Dinah started counseling a week ago. She had finally found a doctor she said she felt a vibe with. She's going to start seeing her once a week for 2 months and then they will decide if she needs to see her more or less after the 2 months are up. Which is good news and I'm happy that Dinah is getting the help she needs and is trying to get to the root of her issues. So besides the Dinah situation it seems things for me and Lauren have just been getting annoying like yesterday for example Amelia and I were coming out the house so we can go to the park. As soon as we walked out and closed the door crystal was right there at the bottom of our walk way. She was screaming about how she just found out I moved in with Lauren and Amelia and how it's not right for Amelia to call me mom when I'm not and that Lauren could never love me fully, that she's always been in love with Elizabeth and always will be. I tried really hard to stay calm because Amelia was clinging on to me and crying. When crystal got closer Amelia screamed and told her to leave her and her mama alone which in turn made crystal more mad. She started screaming and calling Amelia a bratty cry baby and how her mom should have never had her. And that's when I snapped. I started yelling at her telling her to get the fuck out of my walk way and away from my damn house and not to ever talk to my daughter that way again and how she's just a bitter bitch and needs to get over herself. That's when she slapped me and all hell broke loose. Amelia screamed at her telling her not to hit her mama then she kicked her in the mouth. When I seen crystals face change like she was going to lunge after Amelia I moved out the way and put her down. I had her run to the front door and stay there. I seen crystal try and grab her so I jumped on her back and knocked her to the ground once on the ground I flipped her over and just saw red and couldn't stop the punches I was throwing at her. She pulled me by the hair and rolled me off her and she got on me she got 3 hits in before I rolled her back around and started punching her again next thing I know I'm getting dragged off her by the police. It was Miss Blake our next door neighbor who called the police and told them everything that was happening. I was so out of it while I was fighting with crystal that I couldn't hear Amelia crying and screaming anymore. When the cops grabbed me Amelia came sprinting toward me.

"Nooooo... don't hurt my mama.. she no bad girl.. please.. mama!! Mama!! Tell him!! Tell him mama! Tell him you no bad girl please mama!" Amelia screamed up at me while gripping on to my legs. Another officer started walking toward us and went to grab Amelia.

"No please don't take my daughter away. I promise I'll be calm just please let me hold my little girl."

"That's not you're daughter you stupid bitch! She doesn't belong to you!"

"Shut up!!! You're a meanie she's my camzi she's my mama leave us alone you big o'l meanie!!"

"Why you dumb little brat! I ought to...

"That's enough! I suggest you keep your mouth shut lady!" The officer said cutting crystal off.

"Look ma'am I'll let you hold your daughter but you have to promise to be calm and remain right here." I just nodded and he un-cuffed me. As soon as my hands were free I dropped down to my knees and squeezed Amelia into a hug.

"Mama...." Amelia said crying. "she hurt you.... mama.. why she do that?"

"It's ok baby.. stop crying my love." I pulled back and kissed forehead then I wiped her tears away and kissed her cheeks. "It's ok baby. I'm ok. I love you my little mermaid. Please don't cry no more, everything is going to be ok baby."

"I want mommy. Please call mommy.." I took out my phone and called Lauren I told her that she needed to come home this instant that something bad happened and were ok but she needs to come home as soon as she can. I didn't want to be on the phone long because I didn't want the officers to say something about my phone or me being on it.

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