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When Lauren got home later that day and Normani told her what happened she was furious not at the guy but at the situation. Normani told her that Frankie did in fact text her a few hours later. He told Normani that he hopes to hear from her soon. And that he understands if she needs time to process everything and decide whether or not she would allow him to be involved in the baby's life. He also told her that he'd completely understand if she doesn't want anything to do with him, though he hopes that, that isn't the case. Normani still has yet to respond but after talking with Lauren and Camila. She decided it was best to respond back.

Normani met up with him the next day and they spoke about everything that they can remember about that night and they both came to realize they were victims of some sick fantasy of Jerome and Hazel's. They then proceeded to talk about the baby and how Normani's pregnancy has been thus far.

After that day Frankie would constantly check up on Normani asking about the baby and if she needed anything. They would talk throughout the day. They talked so much that Lauren insisted she invite him over for Sunday's bbq so she could meet him.

He came 2 hours early before everyone else because Lauren wanted to talk to him one on one. After about 30 minutes Lauren decided she actually liked him. He seemed like a good guy. Who got caught in a shitty situation and she can tell that he really wanted to help Normani in anyway that he can. He had even said that even if the baby turned out not to be his that he would still like to help her if she'd allow him to.

Camila herself had already liked him when he had came by on Thursday to bring Normani food that she had been craving but was being lazy and didn't want to go get. When Camila opened the door for him they had spoke some and what caught her by surprise was that not only did he bring food for Normani he also brought food for everyone.

Throughout the bbq it started to look like Lauren and Frankie were becoming the best of friends. They were constantly joking with each other or talking very animatedly about things. They seemed like they had been friends for years.

Two months later...

Normani is 6 and half months pregnant now. She decided that it was best if she and Frankie went down to the clinic to do a non-invasive paternity test, instead of waiting for the baby to be born. She believes it's better to know now if he's the father of her baby before she finds herself getting even more attached to him. Because even though he said he'll still be around if the baby isn't his she doesn't fully believe it. And she rather him leave now than later.

Since they went on a Wednesday, they'd have to wait till Monday to get the results. To say that everyone was anxious would be an under statement. Frankie has been to their house almost everyday, hanging out  with all of them. If he had a busy day and couldn't hang out he'd still find some time to come by and drop off a fresh cherry pie because that's literally all Normani has been craving and the fact that it had to be fresh from a specific bakery was even more crazy that he'd go out of his way to do it everyday for her.

Lauren and Camila really grew to like him. especially with all the effort he's put into helping Normani and being there for her. In the last two months both Normani and Frankie have grown attached to the hip. Normani really appreciates him because he has given her so much support especially emotionally since they both went through the same experience with the whole situation at Jerome's. And they both ended up with a kid as a result.

Well Frankie doesn't know for sure yet. But atleast Normani has someone who has some understanding of what she is going through. She's accepted what happened. But it still doesn't stop what she feels inside when she thinks about it. As much as Lauren and Camila say they get it, they can never truly understand it because they didn't have to experience it. So she's thankful that Frankie does truly understand.

On the table sat the results of the paternity test and the gender of the baby. Normani wanted to wait till later that night to open both. One because she needed both Lauren and Camila there. And two because if it is bad news that Frankie is not the father atleast she has the good news of knowing what her baby is.

Normani and Frankie both sat at the table waiting for Camila and Lauren to finish putting the kids to sleep.

"So.. are you guys ready for this?" Lauren says and her and Camila make there way into the kitchen toward the table.

They both look at each other and nod their head. Then look at Lauren and Camila when they finally sat down.

"Which one are you going to do first?" Camila asks.

"The paternity test." Normani says. Then she pushes it forward to Lauren. "I need you to open it Laur.. please?"

Lauren looks at Camila then to Normani. She picks up the paper and nods. She turns it over to open it. But stops before removing the paper she looks at both Normani and Frankie. "Are you guys sure you're ready? Or would you like a minute?"

"It's killing me Lauren. Please read it." Frankie says pleadingly.

Lauren nods then proceeds to take out the letter. She scan it. Then drops the paper, her face unreadable. Both Normani and Frankie assume the worst and they quickly grab a hold of each others hand. Camila grabs the paper and reads it. But before she can look up Lauren's already broke out into a huge smile.

"Frankie you're the father!" Lauren says jumping up from her seat.

Both Normani and Frankie look at each other and smile both shedding a few tears of relief. They hug each other tightly. Normani I thankful to have such an amazing guy as the father of her baby. And thanking god it wasn't Jerome.

Frankie was relieved because he's grown so attached to Normani and is glad she doesn't have to raise it alone. Also because he's grown attached to the idea of the baby being his.

Camila squeals. But not so loud to wake up the kids. Her and Lauren rush to hug both Normani and Frankie. After their group hug, they stand around the table for the other letter. Camila asks if she can do this one this time. Both Normani and Frankie agree.

Camila goes to open it and immediately grins. She shows Lauren and Lauren laughs and grins too.

"Well looks like we're gonna be a house full of girls." Camila says.

"It's a girl?!" Normani says

Lauren nods. "It's a girl!"

Frankie turns Normani to him and lifts her up. "It's a girl! Mani it's a girl!"

Normani laughs and hugs him while he twirls her. Once he puts her down she starts laughing. "I can't believe how many girls are going to be living here now."

"I know I was hoping you'd switch it up and add a boy into the mix." Lauren teases.

Normani chuckles and goes to hug Lauren and Camila. And thanking them for being there for her. And allowing her to move in. Soon after Frankie decides to join in on the hug. They laugh and hug as a group again.

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