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"Well... Hey there HOT stuff." Lauren says as she comes into the room to see Camila lying on the bed on her stomach in just her bra and underwear while watching something on her phone.

Camila looks to her left towards the door where Lauren is standing and smiles at her. "Hey there yourself sexy!" Camila says before she send Lauren a wink. After that's she goes back to watching her video.

Lauren chuckles softly then heads toward the bed."SO..." Lauren says as she hops on the bed and lays down next to Camila. "What'cha watching there beautiful?"

Camila pauses the video on her phone and looks over at Lauren. "I've been watching videos on jewelry making."

"Oh sounds interesting... Are you interested in making jewelry?"

"Mmmm..." Camila sets the phone down then she turns to her side so she's fully facing Lauren.

"I don't know I believe so. At first it was something I thought me and Amelia could do together. So I was just going to go buy one of those kid jewelry kits at an arts and crafts store. But then I got bored because our moms decided to have a girls day and took the girls so I ended up watching YouTube videos on actual jewelry making and well yeah."

Lauren smiles. "And so those videos lead you to watching them in your underwear and bra how?"

Camila chuckles because she forgot that she was indeed just in her undergarments. "I got up to go pee and while I was peeing I noticed the time. So then I decided since I'm already in the bathroom I might as well take a shower too and when I got out I put on my underwear and bra, but then I wasn't sure what I wanted to wear so I came and laid down on the bed to think about what I wanted to wear. And well yeah here I am."

Lauren couldn't help but laugh. "And how long ago was that?"

"Uh.. I don't know what time is it now?"

"It's 2:05."

"Shut up! No it's not!" Lauren nods her head yeah while having a grin on her face trying not to laugh.

"Well shit! I've watching them for like 2 hours."

"2 hours?!"

Camila shrugs. "Give or take."


"Anyway.. How was work?"

"It was good. Oh on the way home I got a call from a client I shot for a while back. I guess she's engaged to some guy who's cousins with some guy a Levi's I don't know I really don't remember because she was talking and talking but anyway she gave them my name because they're Looking for a photographer for 2 weeks to do some shoots."

"Wow! That's great babe. Are you going to take it?"

"I don't know yet. They told her to tell me that they want me to send them my portfolio by noon tomorrow and then in 2 days they'll give me a call."

"So what are you thinking? Do you want to do it?"

"I do because according to Maria it'll be triple the pay I make in a month in just one week so..... in two weeks I'd make 6 times what I make in 2 months. I'd be stupid not to. But the only downside is it's in San Francisco."

Camila slightly frowned. "So you'll be gone for two weeks?"

"Yes and if they like my work they may extend it one more week."

Camila nodded In understanding as much as she'd hate to be away from Lauren for two weeks maybe even three. She couldn't help but agree that it'd be stupid to pass up this opportunity.

(CAMREN) Falling For YouWhere stories live. Discover now