New house, More People

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Yukine POV

i was sitting in the car next to my sister yui, honestly i didn't want to come along and protect her but mr asshole-seiji said i had to go because all he fucking cares about is yui. honestly this is just fucked up right now we are being taken to a house to live with a bunch of people we don't even fucking know!!!!!

"why did father ask you to come" yui sneered at me and i just rolled my eyes at her bitchy attitude, i flipped her off and she gasped at me and started to scold me. your probably wondering why am i not yelling back at her, here's the answer i'm too damn lazy to deal with a flat chested bitch who doesn't even know how to take care of herself and prays all fucking day.

"yukine are you even listening to me!!!" yui yelled at me and i grabbed her wrist and started to twist it, my eyes changed colour from purple to silver. my eyes do change colour depending on my emotion or my mood, silver means i'm pissed or angry. "yukine your hurting me" yui groaned in pain.

i left go of her and sat further away from her "you know i don't believe in god never have and never will cause god will never save us from this hell" i said quietly, yui stared at me since i rarely talk nowadays. i only talk to the people i truly trust other then that i don't talk, its rare that i talk to yui but its easier that she remained silent until we get to the bloody house.

i saw the house in the distance in between the trees and my eyes widen at the sight 'we are staying there that place is fucking huge' i thought to myself, i glanced at miss flatbitch and she had the same reaction that i had. i sighed as the car stops and the driver looked at us "here's your destination" he says emotionless.

i nodded and got out of the car and grabbed my luggage out "come on flatbitch" i said sighing and i got a slap at the back of my head, "don't call me that!!! i may be flat but i'm not a bitch!!" she says annoyed and i simply chuckled at her reaction. i looked at the house seeing that it looked bloody haunted and creepy as fuck.

i started walking towards the house and just my fucking luck it started to rain, flatbitch squealed and ran towards the house quickly, i didn't understand why, whats so wrong about the rain for me i actually find it relaxing especially on a hot day. "yukine get here you'll catch a cold" flatbitch said worried.

i sighed and walked towards the doors of the house and shook my head a bit, yui knocked on the door and it opened by itself 'geez that's not creepy not all' i thought to myself, yui stepped back a bit in fright. i walked in like its normal soon yui followed behind me looking innocent that i want to punch her for god sake stop with the innocent act.

"excuse me is anyone home?" yui called out, i leaned against the wall yawning a bit, "oi flatbitch i don't think anyone is home" i said yawning tiredly, yui looked at me and rolled her eyes at me in annoyance. i simply smirked at her "what yui you scared" i said chuckling and she glared at me in pure annoyance. 

"oh shut up yukine" she says annoyed and looked around "maybe they weren't told we were coming" she says 

"or maybe they don't want to look at your ugly face" i said earning a slap from her, i glared at her with anger. she knows i hate being hit ever since i was adopted by seiji, he would hit me everytime i did something wrong and she would stand there smirking at me like i was their entertainment toy. 

"yui" i said angrily and she backed away from me, i sighed and looked around seeing a guy sleeping on the couch, i walked towards him and knelled down to him. "yukine is he sleeping" yui asked being bloody stupid as fuck.

"nah stupid of course he's sleeping you bloody bitch" i said sarcastically at her and she huffed at me. she knelled beside me and touched his hand "he's cold!" she said surprised and put her bag down and put her head on the guy's chest. her eyes widen "he has no pulse" she says grabbing her phone out.

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