The discovery and The beast shows....

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Yukine POV
I was sitting near the lake to coughing up my lungs, the mothers disappeared so I can't get any answers from them, yui is with the brothers so I can relax and find out what this brand mark means and why did they put it on me?

"Yukine what are you doing here" I turned around to see shu and Subaru standing there with worry expression on their faces. "Relaxing" I said bluntly with a deadpan look.

Subaru was about to say something and saw blood on my hand and shirt "why do you have blood on you?" He asked narrowing his eyes. I looked at my hand and shirt and sighed at him "your uncle was with yui so I took action and went a bit overboard" I lied.

"Liar" shu said lazily, I rolled my eyes and got up "I don't need to tell you anything shu" I said and started walking away but Subaru stood in front of me.

"Yukine that's your blood" he says with worry on his face, I scoff and sighed

"I don't know what's wrong with me I've always had a problem with my lungs" I said looking away from them, I've had this problem with my lungs I thought I just had asthma but now this is something completely different. Shu grabbed my arm and disappeared to a lab where reiji was.

"Reiji" shu said

"What do you want now deadbeat" reiji said harshly, shu sighed at his brother and his face turned serious.

"It's Yukine he's coughing up blood" he says pushing me forward towards reiji, I stepped back so I don't accidentally ran into reiji. I glared at shu and rolled my eyes "I told you shu there's nothing to worry about" I said

"Obviously there is when your coughing up blood" shu said bluntly, reiji sighed and pushed his glasses up "enough" he says uncrossing his arms.

"Yukine let me examine you to see if there's something wrong" reiji said, I shook my head quickly "it's probably an asthma attack nothing more" I said in defence.

"Yukine let us help you!!" Subaru said appearing in his angry face on.

I hissed "I have trust issues with people helping me!! So leave me alone!!!!!" I yelled and ran out of the room. I kept running not wanting to be examine but shu appeared and lifted me off the ground and threw me over his shoulder, I struggled until I heard a scream of my retarded sister.

I hit shu in the back but he didn't budge "shu let me go I need to check on flatbitch" I said hitting him. Shu simply yawned and walked back to reiji lab where is was Beatrix standing there staring at reiji "oh now you feel sorry for neglecting him when he was younger' I said to her but only she could hear me.

'Yes I do I was so focused on my eldest I didn't even think about reiji' she says sighing, I sighed at her and started coughing covering my mouth then my eyes widen and coughed harshly and spat something out "not again" I muttered blood dripping down from my mouth.

Shu put me on the chair and Subaru gave me a glass of water to wash out the blood in my mouth, i drink the water and go to the sink to spit it out. "Better now?" Shu says in a worried tone.

"I'm fine shu" I said rather harshly, shu didn't seem fazed at all and sat down crossing his arms and closing his eyes, I rolled my eyes and sighed "Yukine please we want to help you" reiji said sternly.

"I thought you only want my retarded sister and not my and that I'm just a bystander" I said crossing my arms glaring at them as the triplets appear "I smell Yukine blood" kanato said holding his teddy close to him.

"Yukine is coughing up blood" Subaru said rolling his eyes, the triplets stared at me making me uncomfortable, my eyes turning light yellow and sighs "guys I'm fine" I said sighing.

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