The plan and competition ..... (WARNING SHORT CHAPTER!!!!!)

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Yukine POV
okay this is not good from what dragon told me i have to pick one of the vampires to be my groom but i only like one vampire and thats subaru and but then again this is sakamaki brothers we're talking about here and they'll get anything what they wanted. i heard knocking at my door and i got up and opened the door to see kanato there "hey kanato whats up?" i asked tilting my head in confusion.

"reiji want to talk to everyone" he says and walks away and i followed him to the main room to see all the brothers and yui there.

"so whats this all about?" i asked putting my hands on my hips.

"father said you have to pick when of us to marry so we can become the head of the family" reiji explained which i groaned at him.

"fuck that use flatbitch" i said

"I'M NOT FLAT!!!!" yui yelled making me wince and i punched her in the face "SHUT UP!!!" i yelled back. i rubbed my ears 'thats gotta hurt' dragon said in my mind and i nodded 'yup' i spoke in my mind making him chuckle at me.

"so we decided that you'll spend the day with one of us and then on the final day you'll decide who to choose~" laito said smirking at me making me step away from laito 'laito hasnt changed at all' dragon said shaking his head making me chuckle at him.

"whats so funny?" ayato said confused

"nothing just dragon complaining" i said chuckling and i felt arms behind me and saw subaru holding me. i smiled at him and leaned against him, "so who's first???" I asked

"We think it should go oldest to youngest going on dates then on Sunday you'll chose who you want to be with alright" reiji said, I nodded and sighed.

"Alright this today is Sunday so tomorrow I'm going with shuu" I said and they nod

I sighed as dragon was talking to himself at the back of my mind 'whatcha doing' I asked him


'About what?'

'Some stuff'

'That ain't an answer dragon'

'Yea Yea but you already chosen your partner'

'Maybe I cant be too picky dragon'

'Your such a softy'

'Am not hello I kill people and so do you so we are both killers'

'Yea but they accepted us even thou we are killers'

"Says the demon'

Dragon chuckles and smiles 'Yea Yea looking like your wanted talk to you later'

'Talk to you later dragon' I snapped out of my thoughts and saw everyone staring at me "What?" I asked tilting my head

"Your eyes are dark silver and you looked like you were deep in thought" Subaru says and I nodded and sighed.

"I was talking to dragon about some stuff" I said sighing

"What about?" Ayato asked and I smirked

"Secret!" I said smirking making Ayato pout

"That's unfair" he says

"Life is never fair" I said staring at the ground and smirked "so I'm going to bed night!!!" I said getting out of Subaru hold and bolted straight to my room while I was laughing my ass off.

I sighed and leaned against the door and stared at the bed and flopped on it "why can't they use flat Bitch but then again she probably got STD down there 'most likely' dragon says laughing and I laughed too and smiled as I saw the mother's christa, Beatrix and Cordelia "hello" I said

"Hello Yukine" Cordelia said smirking at me making me roll my eyes at her

"Good evening Yukine" Beatrix said, christa said nothing and just waved at me. I smiled at them and walked to the bathroom and coughed up blood a bit.

The medication is getting better I've been coughing up less blood then I usually did before. "That's good or else that good for nothing girl would of taken over" Beatrix said scoffing.

I laughed at her insult to flatbitch but that got me thinking "why chose me to be the head, like I'm no better than yui" I said looking down

The mothers smiled "because your not annoying and you accept us" I looked up to see all the brothers there which caused me to smile.

"I guess so" I said smiling and chuckle a bit

"Let the competition begin!" I shouted and they cheered while smirking

'He'll be mine!!!" The brothers thought

Hello my lovely POROS!!!! So the brothers are fighting over Yukine lovely

How will Yukine be able to handle these choices?

Will Yukine pick Subaru or will be pick someone else?

Will yui stop being a massive bitch (most likely not)?

Find out on the dates Yukine goes on!!!!

That's all for now and please vote and comment and as always BYE BYE!!!!

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