Yukine finally talks...

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Yukine POV
i opened my eyes and to see i was in my room, i look around to see ayato sleeping on the side of my bed 'did ayato carry me here' i thought to myself as i shake him a bit. he groaned and sat up and looked at me "oh silent your awake ore-sama carried you here from the lake" he says smirking at me.

I frowned at him and looked away from his face "hey why did you look away?" ayato asked grabbing my face making me look at him, tears swelled up in my eyes and fell down my cheeks. ayato stares at me in shock not knowing what to do. "o-oi why you crying??" he asked confused

i opened my mouth to speak but closed it quickly, i didnt want anyone else in my problems even if i tell them the reasons they'll just hate me like all the others......i felt arms around me and saw ayato hugging me, i was shocked at first like why would ayato care about a mortal like me.

"look im not gonna force you to talk to ore-sama but someday you have to tell us" he says with....worry in his voice, i stared at him with shock my eyes turning dark blue as i cried more, sobbing into his chest. i've never had someone care for me ever since i was born but it felt warm and nice so this is what it feels like to be cared for.

after some time i stopped crying and moved away from ayato and gave him a small smile and wrote on a piece of paper 'get everyone but flatbitch', he nodded and disappeared in thin air, it's seemed right to let them know about my past but im only gonna tell them one half, the other half is another story.

i waited for everyone to get here "oi silent i got them" ayato said as everyone was in my room staring at me, what is it that you need yukine" reiji said pushing his glasses up, i wrote on a piece of paper 'you want answers dont you' they all nodded well mostly ayato and reiji.

"yes why did you kill those girls for miss komori" reiji asked in a serious tone, i clutched my hands into fists and took a deep breath.

"because flatbitch has a remote that control me, i lose all senses and obey her wishes" i said holding my anger back, subaru punches a wall in anger "that bitch" he hissed, the others agree they all had a disgust look on their faces.

"say mute-kun why do you always have a dagger" laito asked smirking at me

"because the church trained me like a weapon and daggers isnt the only thing im good at, i was train with all sorts of weapons mainly swords and daggers, and this dagger was given to me by someone i cant seem to remember" i explained, laito nods at me

"why do your eyes change colour" reiji asked, "yea ive noticed that" ayato said crossing his arms

i sighed at them "it depends on what mood im in" i said bluntly

"what happened to you at the church?" shu asked, i remained silent i was hoping that they wouldnt ask that question but they deserve to know since i did obey flatbitch orders, i sighed again and shook my head.

"i was adopted by seigi cause i was all alone back then but honestly i wish i still was, he would hit me whenever i did something wrong he would constantly make me go to the church and pray so i asked why pray when god doesnt exist. thats where the abused started and that i was locked up like a animal, yui would torture me with her friends. when yui was sent here i was damn glad but i had to come too it was one chance to escape but it all went into ruin. i barely talked to anyone now cause i would get hit if i spoke, i havent talked in years so its new to me..." i said looking down holding back my tears that threaten to come out.

i saw the boys looked down in pity, i hissed and sighed "i dont want your damn pity" i said annoyed, they all looked at me like wtf. i sighed at them and got up and walked to them "i dont want your damn pity, its my life and you werent in my past so no need to pity me" i said sighing at them.

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