Answers would be Fucking NICE!!!!

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Yukine POV
Okay yesterday the images were now planted in my brain and I knew full well that I was blushing and for all you readers!!! No we didn't have sex!!! Get your head out of the fucking gutter!!!

Anyways Subaru had gone off to his room when he realised hat he was kissing me and nearly ripped my pants off, but right now I wanted answers and I need them now. I got out of bed and walked out of my room and towards the front door 'maybe I should ask shu?' I thought to myself.

'Or maybe ask the person themselves' I sighed at her and looked at her. "What you want now Cordelia" I asked

'Awww your so mean yukine' she says fake pouting at me, I rolled my eyes and opened the door walking out of the mansion "Cordelia I'm not in the mood for games how come only me and flatbitch can see you but not the brothers" I asked walking somewhere.

'Because your sist-'

"Step sister I was adopted by asshole seiji" I cut her off quite rudely before she started talking again. 'As I was saying yui has my heart in her while you however are different you see Yukine that symbol on your back means a lot more than just a mark' she says smirking as she touched my chin making me look up at her.

My eyes widen in shock and started to shake "y....your lying" I said shakily my eyes turning light purple. As I pulled away from her and started running away I could hear her giggles in my mind 'you can't escape from me Yukine neither can your sister you two will always be my puppets' her voice echoed in my mind making me run faster.

"Get out of my head you bitch!!!!!" I shouted in frustration as I saw yui and a man talking and yui was holding her chest, I ran to the man and pushed him into the ground. I looked at yui a bit worried and to see if she's possessed or just a mindless puppet or that bitch of a mother Cordelia.

"Who are you boy!" The man asked glaring at me, I simply rolled my eyes and pulled my dagger out but something inside of me snapped or switched and I could only see red.......I see.....

This feeling.........

I know it too well.....

"Let's play a little game mister......" I said looking at the wasn't even me that said that. It was my other self my killer and insane self that desires blood and killing people close to me my eyes turned dark silver and something leaked out of it I don't even know what it was but it was burning my cheek.

The man backed away from me staring at me with wide eyes 'Yukine that's richter sakamaki, my sons uncle so don't you dare kill him!!!' Cordelia yelled in my mind but it wasn't even me in control I was scared in my bones the memories in my mind rushed to my head the killing of innocent people. The screams of pain and agony as they tried to run away from me as I played my little game of hide and seek but to me it was a game of of hide and kill.

"Say mister are you scared of me......why are you afraid of me" the voice said replacing my own. Richter stepped back I saw him shaking a bit in fear I felt a insane smirk crawling into my face making me giggles like a insane person would do when their on a killing spree. I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned to see shu and reiji there glaring at their uncle "uncle richter please leave your causing so much commotion it's unpleasant" reiji said sternly and harshly.

Shu looked straight into my eyes he didn't expressed any emotion on his face as he grabbed my hand and dragged me away as reiji disappears with yui. Shu kept dragging me away more like my other self "do you want to play shu-chan" the voice said giggling like crazy. I saw shu ignore him did he notice it's not me but my other self this made my other self angry and started hurting shu by digging my nails into his skin.

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