Day 5 kanato

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Yukine Pov

I was in the kitchen cooking myself some food which is just some bacon and eggs and toast the usual shit but I thought of something today Is the 5th day so its kanato turn. Hes has a sweet tooth so Imma gonna go to the shops and buy some sweet stuff such as cakes and candy. What do you think dragon?

'Honestly lets do it!' He cheered, I rolled my eyes at him and eat my breakfast and went out of the mansion and into the city. I'm not really a big fan of the city it's too noisy and too crowded For my taste hmmm maybe somewhere quiet and a liking to kanato taste probably somewhere creepy I dont know. I got to the candy store and brought the candy that kanato likes and will eat willingly cause we all know that kanato has a sweet tooth and doesnt like bitter things like coffee.

Flatbitch learnt that the hard way when she tried to give him coffee honestly that was hilarious to watch her squirm and beg for help. Anyways  I went back to the mansion and put the candy in a large bag and wrote to kanato from yukine, surely he'll like this now gotta bake the cake man I wish samantha was here and bake me brownies.....enough of that time to bake kanato a cake!! I'm gonna fail at this ......

After some time I got it right and it turned out better then I expected, I smiled to myself in victory and decorated the cake "whatcha doing yukine?" I jumped and saw kanato in the doorway, I tried to hide the cake and sighed "just making you some sweets" I said blushing slightly in embarrassment. I heard kanato lightly chuckle and he walked towards me and petted my head.

"You didnt have to do that yukine" he says holding teddy close to him, this time I smiled at him.

"I wanted to give to you as our date today this today it's your turn" I said smiling with joy my eyes going pink, kanato looked at me and at the cake "is that all" he asked I heard the disappointment in his voice, I sighed at him and shook my head.

"No kanato I got another surprise but you have to wait for that" I said smiling and pushed him out of the room and shutted the door.

"Come back around lunch!" I called out and went back to decorating the cake putting kanato as a chibi which looked absolutely adorable. I sighed and looks at the cake and remembered something from my past, my very first birthday I was like what 6 or 7 when I had that birthday and samantha baked me a cake with happy birthday on it and brought me presents. But she died when the gang was attacked and many people were killed in the crossfire, samantha was one of those people that died on that faithful day and I guess that's why I didnt celebrate my birthday cause that was the day samantha died.

Leader was in depression, aunt Rebecca was upset about her death, Astrid was too young to remember the crossfire but I sure remembered every single detail on that day. I couldn't help it that I cried so much begging God to bring her back shes was like my mother to me.....maybe a mother I never had. I sighed shakily and finished the cake, I made it special and I smiled to myself feeling proud of myself, I could see samantha smiling at me at how I came so far.

I put the cake on a small table dont get me wrong it wasnt a big cake but it wasnt a small cake either, but it was a decent sized cake. I put candy around the cake and made it special for kanato cause it's his day so I wanna make it special for him.

I checked the time and it was close to lunch which was good now time to get kanato which he'll either be sucking flatbitches blood or in his doll room with the other creepy dolls he has in that room. I sighed to my myself and kept walking towards the doll room but I stopped as I heard kanato singing, I chuckled to myself and walked towards the room and silently opened the door and peeked in the room to see kanato holding teddy while walking around the room singing his song probably cordelia favourite song he used to sing when he was little.

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