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Hi my names celeste and I hunt monsters. You may not believe it but you should. I have green eyes and blonde hair. I drive a 66 mustang. Don't touch my baby though and if you do I'll break you.

I'm on my way to a hunt. It's a witch and she's a nasty one. She's killing kids I have no idea what for but I do know I'm gonna gank the bitch. I pull in and see a 67 impala that's black. A beautiful car if you ask be but why is it here? I pull my gun out and make my way to the door. When I do I see it's opened and I whisper to my self "son of a bitch". I go in side and see two guys unconscious on the floor. Upstairs i hear crying and foot steps. I make my way upstairs stepping around the guys. When I get up there the door that's opened has a little girl and an unknown person standing there. My guess would be the witch. I run in there and yell "put your hands where I can see'em".

As the witch did what she was told I was flown back into the wall. "Son of a bitch.." at that moment I hear two pairs of loud footsteps running up the stairs. Then the guys from down stairs run in one yells at the little girl to get down and one shoots the bitch. I fell to the floor and lost my hearing I was dizzy and about to pass out. I kept conscious it I couldn't hear. I kept looking at the man with the bright green eyes trying to figure out what he was saying but it was almost impossible. Finally I heard him say "Are you ok? What hurts? I'll get you out of here." He picked me up and carried me outside he sat me down and I regained my strength. I don't know what the hell that witch did to me but it hurt like hell. "Hey are you ok?" At this I looked up and saw the same green eyes and behind him a really tall guy getting the little girl into his car. 'So there the ones with the beautiful impala' I thought to my self. I heard a chuckle then a "yeah thats our car". Then I realized I had said that out loud and I looked down blushing. 'Why the hell am I blushing I never blush'. "Oh any way my names Celeste Clyde" and I stuck my hand out for him to shake it. He kind of laughed and said "well hello miss Clyde my name is Dean. Dean Winchester." I smiled at him then tried to stand but immediately regret it because I fell over. Dean caught me and said "whoa there be careful. I really don't know if you should be driving." I looked at him wanting to argue with him i kind of nodded. I know I don't need to be driving but I feel awkward having someone else drive my car. "I'll walk back and just come get my car tomorrow." Was what I said. "Um all do respect lady but I don't know if you should even be doi...." I didn't hear anything else I just passed out and felt arms grab me before I went completely unconscious.

When I woke up I was in a bed. It was dark but I could make out the figure laying next to me with there back to me and the bed on the other side with someone in it sitting awake. It was the other guy that was with dean. I sat up and he looked at me and said "oh hey your awake how are you feeling?" "Um good but where am I? And where's my car? And what happened with the little girl? Is she safe? Is she ok? What the hell happened to the witch? Did you just leave the body there?" I felt myself starting to panic. "Whoa calm down your at our motel room we didn't know where you were staying at or when you would wake up. Your cars out side I didn't hurt it I promise I just didn't want to leave it there. The little girls back with her parents and she's fine. And with the witch we burned the house down." All I could reply with was "oh." He put his hand out and said "my names sam in deans brother." "Celeste." He went on to tell me I could go back to sleep so that's what I did. I woke up the next morning in a weird bed and then remembered everything. But then I started feeling the weight on my side. When I looked it was an arm. The arm belonged to dean but I didn't know what to do I went to call for sam but saw a note next to the bed. I picked it up and read it. 'Hey I tried to wake dean up but he wouldn't budge. Anyway I went to get breakfast I should be back around ten or ten thirty. Btw if deans arm is still around you good luck I already tried moving it but it was impossible he just held on tighter. -
Well this is gonna be one crazy day

Hey guys so I started a new story and I'm gonna try to update as much as possible.

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