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I pulled my gun out just in case it wasn't them. Dean got up and said "Sam make sure there are enough rooms for them with beds and dressers in them." I followed after dean. When he opened the door i saw Jenny with a smile. "It's about damn time we've been sitting here for at least ten minutes." I laughed then walked out to make sure they weren't followed. When I saw no one I nodded to dean and walked back inside. I kissed his lips as I walked by him. When I got down the steps Sam was coming from one of the hallways and said "alright so there are rooms for each of you and they have a dresser so come on I'll show you were everything is but I'll take you to your rooms first so your not carrying your stuff around." Then I saw Jenny drop pigs leash cause he was trying to get to me. When she dropped it he wasted no time and ran towards me almost knocking me over. "Aww hi buddy I missed you." I looked up to see dean looking at me and smiling that million dollar smile. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? Oh by the way just get used to him sleeping with us." He just laughed and walked into the kitchen. I soon followed after him. I figured now would be a good time to ask him about the burn I saw on his arm or what looked like a burn. "Hey dean do you think we can talk?" He stopped what he was doing and looked at me "yeah what about?" "Well I was wondering if you were ok. And I was also wondering what happened to your arm?" I mean I know it wasn't the best way to ask but I didn't know what to say really. He looked nervous for a second. "Dean?" And then he snapped. "I don't know who you think you are but you need to mind your own business and worry about your self-" he walked to me slowly and when he got in front of me inches away I started to get scared but I couldn't go any where. "-because if I were I would be more worried about what will happen to you if you want to be a nosey bitch." I flinched when he said that then tried to get away. He stepped back and I ran to our room. I sat against the door and cried. I know it was stupid of me to cry but he scared me I've never seen dean act that way towards me. There was a knock on the door and I tried to make it sound like I wasn't crying "w-who is it?" I was hoping it wasn't dean because I didn't want to face him right now but I also was hoping he'd realized what he did and he came to apologize. "It's me Sam. I was just wondering if you wanted to come eat I got take out." I nodded then realized he couldn't see me so I stood up and cracked the door. I tried to see if dean was close then looked at Sam he had worry in his eyes. "Yeah just give me a minute." He nodded then went to ask something but I shut the door not wanting to be questioned. I went into the bathroom splashed water on my face and smiled like nothing was wrong. I was walking slow but then I heard dean say something to Sam. "Hey did Celeste say if she was coming or not?" He sounded like he didn't just threaten me and scare the shit out of me. "Yeah she said to give her a second. But dean she opened the door and looked behind me first as if she was expecting someone else to be there. And she looked like she was scared and she was crying." "Huh I don't know maybe it's girl things I'll talk to her later." That's when I chose to walk out there. Dean saw me and lit up then pulled the seat out next to him. Me not wanting to cause anything just went and sat by him but tried to stay as far away as possible. I didn't want to look at anyone so I grabbed my food and just ate silently feeling the stares and looks I was getting.

I looked and made sure no one was in the room after me getting out of the shower. When I saw the coast was clear I went to the dresser and pulled out clothes then got dressed. I pulled out my book and sat on the bed to read. After about twenty minutes dean walks in. I get nervous immediately. "Hey whatcha reading?" "Just something from the library..." it was so low I wasn't sure he heard me but I guess he did cause he just nodded then came and laid down next to me. I saw the burn again and decided to show him I wasn't scared so I put my book down and grabbed his arm throwing his sleeve up the rest of the way. The whole time him protesting until I actually got his sleeve up. He looked down and looked defeated. I didn't see it clearly before or even think it could be that. "What the hell dean. Are you trying to get your self killed. How'd you even get it Cain's been missing for years. Why would you do this?" I was sad and scared and angry all at the same time. He just looked down then I saw a tear fall down his face. I lifted his face with my fingers and wiped the tear away. "Hey it's ok we'll get through this together. Is this why you snapped on me earlier? It's ok don't worry." I didn't really know what to say after that. "I didn't mean to snap on you baby I promise. I felt so bad but I didn't know how to fix it. I hated seeing you like that. And I hated knowing I was the cause of it." "Shhh. It's ok. Let's got to sleep and we'll talk about it tomorrow." He just nodded and laid down more. I laid down and turned my lamp off. I snuggled to him and fell asleep next to my hunter cursed with the mark of Cain.

So I've had major writers block it's just getting harder sometimes to think of things. I'm sorry it's taken so long. But here's another chapter. If you have and suggestions then please message me or something but it could help.

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