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"Dean. Dean. DEAN." Damnit still nothing. I couldn't get out of his hold. I'm still wondering why he was holding me. "Dean damnit if you don't wake up I'll dent your impala" at this he jolts up and looks me in the eye as he says "if you touch her I will break your arms." I just rolled my eyes and stood up. I gave him the note and told him his brother went for breakfast. He all of the sudden got red and he had wide eyes. I figured it was because he realized he had his arm over me. "Get over your self it's fine just don't let it happen again. I don't know why I said that cause I'm leaving." I grabbed my stuff and started walking out the door. "Wait!" I turned around and looked at him funny. "Um I was wondering if you wanted to help me and Sammy on our next case I did some digging and found out you were a really good hunter and this hunt looks a little difficult.

After a little arguing and persuading he finally got me to go with him. After Sammy came back I skipped breakfast like I usually do and went and collected my things from my motel room from the motel down the road. I went in and saw that my motel room was exactly like I left it but when I started picking stuff up I saw blood. I know it's not my dead mans blood because it's in my car and never came in here. So who's blood is it or what. I followed it to the bathroom and there was a light on inside. When I opened the door there wasn't anything in there but there's blood smears by the window that goes out to the ally. I ran out the to check it out and when I did I was horrified. It was the witch but I had no idea how. When I checked very carefully for a pulse there was none. Confirming that she was dead but what was she doing here. How did she even get here or know where my motel room was. I went back in the room and grabbed everything and ran out to the car. Before I did I noticed a note on the door.
Well I have to say you and those boys are good but my son will be looking for you so you better get out now because if you thought I was bad he's worse. So run my child.
You know who.

I ran back to the boys room as fast as I could I left my car and everything honestly afraid. I know I shouldn't be but I only get scared like this when I know something bad is gonna happen. They both looked at me crazy and I handed dean the note. As he read it he got red with anger. "Son of a bitch" is all he said. Sam yelled "what what's going on?!" Dean showed him the note and his face turned to both fear and anger. Dean started packing and then walked out the door " hurry your asses up I'm leaving in five!" I just ran back to my car and since I had everything I went to the front desk and gave them my key and checked out. I drove back to the boys and saw they were putting things in the car. "So where are we going where is this case?" That's all I knew what to say. Dean looked at me and said "Tehachapi, California. It's a smaller town and there's people going missing but not only that there coming back and they kill there loved ones. Then they shoot them selfs." At this I froze. I have family there. I just hope there ok. I nodded trying to fight back the tears at the thought of my grandparents being one of those victims. I got in me car and we started our journey.

We were about six hours away from Tehachapi and they were leading the way in there car. I saw them pull into a gas station. I pulled in with them and got out. Sam saw the distress on my face because of how close we were getting. "Hey Celeste do we need to get a room and stop for the night?" Is what he said. I replied quickly and quietly "no." Dean and him looked at me then each other. We finished then we were back to the road.

We were an hour out and I had to stop it was getting too personal and I'm about to stop crying. All I did was pull over if they noticed I stopped then they'll stop. If not then I'll meet up with them later. I just sat in my car and cried with my head on the steering wheel. All of the sudden I heard a tap on the passenger window. I looked in front of me and saw the impala parked and Sam looking back at me. I unlocked the door knowing it was dean. He got in and immediately hugged me and rubbed my back while I cried. I felt weak and pathetic. After a minute I apologized and sat up straight wiping my eyes. "Hey why are you crying what's wrong." I just looked down for a minute. Until I finally decided to answer. Very quietly I said "I have family where we're going. My grandparents. And I'm worried. Because I wouldn't get a call if something did happen so anything could have happened. They could be victims. They could be dead.." I started crying again. He hugged me and repeatedly told me it would be ok and that he was there. Finally he said "look I know you probably don't feel comfortable but if you don't mind I can drive and you can get some rest and Sammy can drive my car. Is that ok with you?" I just nodded and he got out and walked to his car. I scooted to the passenger seat and watched dean talk to Sammy for a second then Sammy scoot to the driver seat and start it. I didn't notice dean walk back until he was in the car. He started to car back up seeing I left the keys in the ignition. And I drifted to sleep finally realizing how tired I was.

I woke up to dean slightly shaking me. "Hey come on we're here let's get you inside. We got two room you have your own." I just hmm and he signs seeing I'm not getting Up. I feel him pick me up and carry me to the door. I hear him unlock the door and push it open with his foot. After a few steps I feel my self lowering then a soft bed under me. He went to walk away but I grabbed his hand and said "please stay I don't want to be alone." He sighed and said "let me grab our bags and then tell Sammy." Before he let my hand go he brought it to his lips and lightly kissed them. I was too tired to say or do anything so all I did was "hmm". He laughed a little then laid my hand next me. A few minutes later he came back in the room and laid down next to me. I turned to him and lightly said "thank you". He got closer and put his arms around me protectively. And I started drifting off to sleep but before I did I heard. "Damnit why are you so beautiful?" Then I drifted off to a very peaceful sleep.

The next morning I woke up to someone holding me. Confused I turned around to face the person. I saw it was dean and then I remembered everything. Me crying on him. Him carrying me in.Me asking him to stay and him holding me. And then him saying why are you so beautiful. I felt embarrassed. He woke up a little and opened one eye and smiled. Suddenly I wasn't embarrassed anymore "morning". He just smiled again and said "well good morning". I smiled and then he rolled over and stood up. "I have to go wake Sammy up and then go get to investigating so get ready I'll give you time to shower and everything." I smiled and nodded. After that he walked out and I sat there thinking. Mainly of him. I whispered to my self "damnit what's wrong with me it's just one guy."

After I got ready and grabbed all of my stuff I walked out to try to figure out which room was there's. I figured I'd be right next to there's. But which one. I took my chances and went right. I knocked and Sammy opened the door. "Oh thank god I was hoping this was your room and not a strangers." He chuckled and let me in. "Well hi there sleeping beauty. I was worried you fell asleep again." I laughed at deans comment and just nodded my head no. I didn't feel like talking today much. After a minute or so of me thinking I heard dean say "welp let's get to work shall we?"

Hey guys this is longer and I think it's pretty good any way here's another update.

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