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When I knocked on the door I also noticed the car was different. "Huh that's weird." The person opened the door and was not anyone in my family which was strange because someone would have told me. "Yes can I help you?" I was kind of stuck. Finally I said "um yeah well I actually don't know but my family used to live here I was just wondering if you knew where they went too?" She kind of looked at me funny and asked for my name so I gave it too her. Realization hit her and she just said hold on. After a minute she came back with a man. "Hi she said you were Celeste Clyde and your family used to live here?" "Uh yes is something wrong?" He looked at his wife and said to me "Well no but I'm not supposed to tell you where they live." At hearing this I got angry and I looked at him and said "we'll give this to them and make sure they know that my little brothers grandparents are dead." As I walked away I realized that I was a little too bitchy. It wasn't there fault but still. As I pulled out of the driveway I called dean. Irritation clear in my voice as I said "what motel are you in right now?" He told me and I just hung up on him before he could say anything else. When I got there I checked where his car was and picked a room hoping I was right. When same opened the door I just pushed past him and laid in one of the beds. I really felt like crying but I couldn't cry. Hunters don't cry we get over it and suck it up. But within the last two days I've been doing a lot of crying. So what's one more time gonna hurt anything. I laid there while tears silently fell down my face. I didn't notice that someone else was in the bed with me tell I was pulled into a strong chest. Right away I recognized deans smell so I snuggled closer to him. And he held me tighter around the waist. I just laid there crying until I felt his hand move and come to my face. When I finally opened my eyes I noticed we were the only ones here and sam had left. When I don't know but I dont care. He just looked at me for a minute kind of playing with my hair. Finally he said "hey talk to me what happened." At this I started crying more and closed my eyes again. He rubbed my cheek with his finger tips so I could relax. I worked and I told him what happened. After my story he hugged me and said "I'm so sorry you have to go through that no ones family should be like that towards there own daughter." He pulled me closer and I looked up at him and just starred at him. He did the same. Finally his fingers stopped rubbing my face and he just let his hand rest there. He slowly looked down at my lips and started leaning in. I did the same. I don't know why but I was honestly really excited to kiss him. Finally right before we touched lips he asked me "is this ok? Am I pushing you too much?" As a response I just shook my head no. He leaned in the rest of the way and his lips were on mine. I've never realized how much I wanted this tell now. The feeling of his lips on mine were absolutely amazing and I didn't want it to ever stop. He pulled away when we heard the impala pull up. I snuggled closer to his chest with a smile and he just snuggled into the crook of my neck. At this I fell into a deep sleep before Sammy could even walk through the door. 

After I kissed her all I could think of was 'wow she's so absolutely beautiful and I think I love her' which is weird because I don't love people except Sammy. But that's never really been verbally just shown I guess. As she fell asleep Sammy walked in. I immediately put my hand up to signal to be quiet. He made an oh face and nodded. He walked to the table put the food and keys on it and got in his bed. It was getting late kind of. I snuggled into Celeste's neck and fell asleep holding the most beautiful woman ever.

As I woke up I noticed Celeste was gone. I shot up and looked around seeing sammy in the bed that was next to the one me and Celeste slept in last night. I also heard the shower going. I let out I breath I didn't know I was holding and relaxed. After about half an hour I heard the water turn off. Two minutes later the door opened with a naked Celeste wrapped in a towel that barley covered anything. When she saw me sitting up staring at her she immediately got red. And I could feel her awkwardness. So I said "sorry here I'll cover my head so you can do what you need to do." Before she could respond I put my head in my hands covering my eyes feeling like a child playing hide and seek. She finally said "ok you can open your eyes." I looked over at her and she looked absolutely stunning. It was so simple yet so beautiful. I looked at every part of her not being able to control my eyes and I saw her move to walk over to me.

As I watched him watch me with a lustful look and also another look I couldn't quite pin I walked over to him. Feeling a sudden urge to kiss him again and to just be held by him. I finally got to the bed and climbed on putting my legs on either side of his legs while he sat up. I put my hands on his chest and just snuggled into him. He put his arms around me and pulled me closer. We just sat there like that tell we heard Sammy say "if I didn't know any better you two are like love struck teenagers." At this I jumped slightly but didn't really move only to turn my head to look at sam. All dean said was "shut up sammy." In the cutest yet deepest voice I've ever heard. It made his chest rumble and his breath warm on my neck. It felt so good to sit like that. If only we could do that all day but nothing goes according to how you want it for a hunter.

Ok so this took a while but I'll try to update more

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