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A couple days later we were sitting in the bunker Dean was drinking and reading some book. But I'm pretty sure he was just pretending to read it or thinking cause he hasn't turned a page in ten minutes. And sams on his laptop looking for cases. I was sitting there just enjoying the quiet when all the sudden I head wind noises and I jumped up and pulled my gun out. When I turned around there was a guy there. "Who the hell are you?!" He just looked at me stunned and then looked at dean. I was about to ask him again but dean beat me too it. "Can damnit you can't just pop in like that I've told you this." Dean looked at me and smiled then put his arm around me. I lowered my gun but kept my eye out. "Celeste this is cas, well Castiel, cas this is Celeste ." I stuck my head out for him to shake and he took it hesitantly then said "hi I'm cas." I just snickered then said yeah I got that but I'm Celeste." I was confused as to how he got in here so fast so I asked dean "how did he get in here with out us noticing?"  He just laughed and said well cas is an angle of the lord." I just snorted and said "yeah when pigs fly." Then I realized everyone was serious. "Wait really, does he have a halo, and wings, ohhhh does he have a harp??" Dean just laughed and said he has wings but sorry kiddo no harp or halo." I pout and walk away. Dean laughs and follows me to the couch. He sits down besides me and lifts my face up so I can see him. He smiles and causes me to smile he kisses me soft and we don't break away until we hear someone clear there throat. "Dean I did not know you had a lover?" When cas says that I start to blush and dean just chuckled and said "well I guess it's been a while hasn't it." 

After a few hours of cas being here and explaining that there was maybe a case in Washington with some demons we started packing up. I was going to the car when sam said "I'll take the back this time you can sit up front I want to stretch out." I just hummed in response and nodded. I put my bag in the trunk and got up front with dean. When I got in dean just kissed me again. He had been doing that a lot ever since he left with Crowley. I can't stand him period but since he's been back I think something happened which makes me hate him more. I looked at him weird and he just smiled at me turned the radio on. When he did I saw something on his arm it looked like a burn. I just looked at him but he didn't notice. I'll ask him about it later. I kissed his cheek as we pulled out and I leaned against the window so I could sleep.

We got to Washington and got a motel. We did a little bit of research and had cas help us locate the demons. Dean was walking out the door on there way to go kill them when he turned and looked at me. "Celeste I'll be back ok I love you." I looked at him funny at first but then said "ok I love you too be careful." He just smiled and walked out the door. I expect them to be gone for at least two hours. It had been a little longer than two hours though and I was getting worried. Right as I was getting up to go look for them the bust through the door and was bloody and they looked tired. "Oh my god. I was so worried are you ok? Let me check you. Both of you. You look like your hurt. As I was checking dean I realized none of this blood was his. And when I looked at Sam it was the Same for him. "What happened in there you both are covered in blood but none of it's yours?" Sam looked at dean then said "well there was a lot more demons then we thought and when they started popping up...." "What What happened?" This time dean spoke with a distant almost eerie voice "I killed them. All of them. And I enjoyed it. All of them sons of bitches are dead and I killed them." He got up and walked out of the door after that. Sam said "come on we should get our stuff so we could get back." When dean came back he hugged me and said "I'm gonna take a shower and then we'll go back to the bunker after Sam showers." I nodded then leaned up to kiss him. He smiled and leaned down the rest of the way to kiss me. After the kiss and the boys showers we hit the road.

"Hey Celeste, wake up. Where here get up baby come on." I groaned then felt someone pick me up. They carried me up stairs then they kicked a door opened. When I was more awake I opened my eyes and looked at dean who was carrying me. I smiled then he set me down on the bed. I kicked my shoes off and got under the blankets with deans help. He went to walk away an I said "stay with me." He leaned down and kissed my head the said "I have to go help Sammy with the bags then I'll be up ok?" I just nodded and got comfortable. After a minute I felt the bed dip so I rolled over so I was facing dean and he pulled me too him. He kissed my head again and said "goodnight, I love you." "Good night babe I love you too."

I woke up with a start. I don't know why but I felt like I couldn't breathe. I looked over and saw dean starting to wake up. I looked at the clock and saw it was 8:07. Oh well might as well get up. So I leaned down and kissed deans cheek and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down to him. "No not yet I'm still tired." I just laughed and snuggled to him. I wasn't going to go back to sleep I was already up. "Baby why are you awake so early anyway?" I laughed a little more and said "dean it's already 10 past 8." All he did was shrug then he got up and started walking to the bathroom. I stayed there and closed my eyes for a minute I figured he was getting into the shower. I heard the water start which confirmed my thoughts.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I felt a pair of lips on mine. It took my a second to realize they were deans but when I realized I instantly melted into him. He pulled a way and said. "I'll make breakfast and you should shower you look exhausted." I nodded as response and leaned up to kiss him one more time. After we pulled away he left the room and I got up and made my way to the dresser. I grabbed some jeans underwear and one of deans flannels. I got in the shower and immediately relaxed. I washed up and got out. I slipped my underwear and jeans on then pulled the flannel on my arms. After I buttoned it since I was quite a bit smaller then dean I had to tuck it in the front a little bit. When I walked in the kitchen I saw dean at the stove putting food on plates. I walked up and kissed his cheek then grabbed the cups to have orange juice with breakfast. He put the plates down and I set the cups down. I ate a little bit of my food but after a few bites I wasn't hungry anymore. I helped pick up plates and then sat back down. Everyone had been fairly silent the whole time. Is something up? "Ok what's wrong why are you guys being so quite?" Both brothers looked at each other then at me. Dean spoke finally " Jenny called. Her house was attacked and besides the stuff in her trunk and the stuff in Logan's and Christians. Everything else was destroyed. But everyone's ok including pig." "What happened? Who? Who could have done this? Where are they going now?" This time Sam answered " we've invited them to come here." Right after he said that we hear a knock on the big iron door.

Sorry it's so short.😬

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