Chapter 1

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"UGH" Rey yelled as she dropped her bag on the counter. "High school sucks!" She stormed to the kitchen of Foster Five. That was her nickname for this house, it was the fifth house she'd been in since she was 6. She never stayed in one place for too long. This one wasn't so bad, in the grand scheme of things. No one hit her or touched her. No one cared about her, but she preferred it that way. They left her alone, she left them alone.

Rey stormed upstairs and changed for work. She had just completed her first day at Resistance High School. She hated it already. She had hours of homework and had to work her shift at the local coffee shop. She had already gotten on the bad side of some of the girls at school and wasn't looking forward to more of it. She threw on her First Order shirt and grabbed her apron and book bag and stormed out the door.

She had been working in every city she had been in since she was 12. She knew she would age out of the system at 18, that was only a few weeks away. All she had to do was save enough for a studio apartment. She already had a car, even though it was a beater, it got her from point A to point B. She couldn't wait to be independent and live on her own. It was so close she could almost taste it.

She busted into the coffee shop and jumped behind the counter, dumping her book bag close by in case it got slow. When she worked the 3-9 shift it was usually slow from about 5-9. "Hey Rose," she greeted her coworker.

"How was school?" Rose asked enthusiastically.

Rey just rolled her eyes in return.

"That bad, huh?" Rose asked. "I looked for you today, but I didn't see you," Rose was a senior at the school too.

"I pissed off all the wrong people," Rey said.

"A few short months to freedom," Rose replied.

At 7:00 Rose left, leaving Rey alone to close. This was her favorite time of the night. After everyone was gone. She was the closer so from 7-9 she worked alone and almost nobody came in. She and Rose had been working on some homework and she only had math left. She was quick with math, it came naturally to her. Math and Science were her A game.

She was turning out her problems, one after the other, when the bell rang indicating someone had entered the shop. She quickly closed her books and slid them under the counter.

"Hi, what can I get for you," she said with a smile.

"Large black," the very tall man said without looking up from his phone.

"Ok," Rey said and went to make his coffee. When she came back to the counter, she put the coffee down, "3.45 please," she smiled at the man.

He tossed a five at her, "Keep the change." He took the coffee and walked out, all without looking up.

"HAVE A NICE DAY," she yelled after this very rude man.

He finally looked up from his phone with a sneer and caught sight of Rey, who had gone back to studying. He stopped in his tracks and looked up again. She was beautiful. She looked up from her books and made eye contact with him. He looked down, but saw her wave to him out his peripheral vision. 

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