Chapter 14

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 It was Ben's graduation day. He was thrilled to be moving on to the next chapter of his life. This was 5 long years in the making. He had invited his parents to come watch him walk across the stage to receive his bachelors and masters in computer science. He was getting dressed when he heard a knock at his door. "Come in!" he yelled.

"Good Morning," Rey said to him.

He looked over at her, the corners of his mouth tilting upward upon seeing her. "Hi," he said to her. He stopped what he was doing to take in her beauty, she had this perfect sundress on that hugged her perfectly. She stepped up to him and started to adjust his tie. He leaned down while she did this and place a ginger kiss on the top of her nose. She stopped working on his tie and kissed him, hard.

She pulled away, "ah, ah, ah, you have to go," she said to him, eying him up and down. "You look phenomenal, all dressed up, you clean up well," she said to him, hunger in her eyes.

"You don't look so bad yourself," he said, eyeing her from top to bottom.

"I want to give you your present later," she told him.

"You didn't need to get me a present," he said to her.

"Yeah you are right, I'll just let you get TWO degrees in one day with no recognition, good idea," she rolled her eyes at him.

"I'll see you there," he said.

"I'll be the one cheering for you so loudly!" she said. She kissed him one more time and then watched him go out his own door, admiring his ass as he did. She went back to her own apartment to put his present together and make sure she had what she needed. She was preparing a dinner for Ben and his parents tonight and then she had a surprise for him. She was making Lasagna, which she had prepped and just needed to toss in the oven later. She also bought fresh bread and was preparing baked sweet potatoes to go with it. It was by far the fanciest food she had ever made. She had also purchased him a new journal. He had one he used for his undergrad work, but she thought he might appreciate a new one for his doctoral work. He carried that thing with him everywhere. She also got him a new blazer, she thought he could wear it to teach his undergrad class next year. As a part of his program he had to teach one 100 level engineering class to undergrads in the fall.

Once her apartment was all set for him and his family later, she made her way over to the college. The graduation ceremony was held on the green and she wanted to get good seats. She snagged three seats in the second row. Leia and Han arrived shortly after and joined her. They exchanged polite chit chat until the ceremony started.

When she saw Ben, dressed in his robes, coming down the aisle, she teared up. She was feeling so many emotions. She was so in love with this man, yup she admitted it to herself, love. She was proud, both of him and of being his girlfriend. He looked over at her as he walked to his seat and his eyes softened and he smiled a sweet innocent smile. She held back tears as his gentleness eased over her.

When they called his name and he walked on stage, she stood on her chair and whooped. She could see the red in his cheeks from her seat. She couldn't even vocalize how she felt. There were no words.

After the ceremony, Leia and Han walked back to her apartment with her. She tossed the lasagna in her oven and they waited for Ben. When he walked in, they all clapped and he took a bow. She brought out the lasagna and the baked potatoes and the garlic bread. Ben had bought some wine, since she was still too young. "Can I offer you some wine?" she asked Ben's parents.

"Yes, please, I'd love some red," said Leia.

"Same here," said Han.

"Ben?" she asked. She'd never seen him drink.

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