Chapter 17

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The rest of the semester went swimmingly. Rey got straight As in all 5 of her courses. She struggled with her literature class, but she pulled the A out on the final. She was officially no longer a student of Ben's, which was both a relief and a disappointment. They had such hot sex while he was her professor and the teasing was almost too much to bare, in a good way. Rey registered for her second semester courses and Ben did the same. He was assigned a new 100 level engineering course to teach and Rey was able to get classes that aligned with her work schedule. Winter break came and went quickly, Rey and Ben steaming up the apartment every chance they could get.

"Ben," Rey said to him after a particularly hot session one night, "We have to go on a double date," she stated.

"Rey," he replied, "Come on, I'm too old for this shit," he smiled at her.

"I set Finn up with Poe and I promised him we'd join them. Poe is similar in age to you, it won't be that bad," she promised. "Also, it's tomorrow," she said, and ran out of the bedroom naked. Ben got up to chase her and the fun started again.

The next day, Rey was coming out of the shower to get ready for their date, "Ya know," she said, "We don't go out that often."

"I know," he added, "Well that was made complicated by having you as a student," he said to her.

"Yes sir, Professor Solo, it was," she added with a smirk.

"I know you just got out of the shower, but I'll drag you back in," he gritted at her.

"Try your luck," she added.

He charged her and pulled her towel down and pushed her backwards into the shower, he turned it on and placed his mouth against hers hard. She didn't resist. He was in her before she even knew what was going on. "Fuck, Ben," she said to him. He was large and every time he entered her the feeling of fullness and pleasure shot threw her body, like it was the first time. She was always surprised, every time it happened. He bit her on the shoulder, only briefly, but tasted the copper in his mouth knowing he drew blood.

The hot water was beating against them and he picked her up and pushed her against the shower wall. He wanted her on full display. He was particularly horny tonight and fucked her hard. The look in his eyes was ravenous. He wanted to fill her up more than ever, he couldn't hold on and he came quickly. He placed her back down in the shower.

"Rey," he said, trying to catch his breath, "you didn't finish," it was a statement and question all at once.

"That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy myself," she added, with a smile.

He didn't even let her finish the sentence before he was on his knees licking her relentlessly. He added some fast moving fingers and he would have stayed here all night if he could. "Yes Ben, please don't stop," she begged from him. Her encouragement made him go harder and faster. He could feel it building up in her and he wanted to taste her. He made a low groan into her pussy and the vibrations it sent through her made her come on the spot. "OH MY GOD, BEN" she moaned through it. He finished her off and stood up to finish his shower.

"I love you," she said to him.

"I know," he smiled coyly at her, wishing he could take her again right then and there.

Rey and Ben arrived at the restaurant first. They told the hostess their name and she sat them at a table for four. They were sharing pleasant conversation when Poe arrived. Rey waved to him and he came over to sit down. He was clearly nervous. They waved the waitress over and Ben ordered a bottle of wine for the table. She wasn't carded, probably because she was with Poe and Ben. Her and Finn were too young still to order alcohol. She would be 19 this spring though! Which also meant Ben would be 24 very shortly. She, Ben, and Poe each started with a glass of wine and Ben ordered a second bottle.

Finn showed up about 5 minutes later. Rey stood up when he came in. "Finn, I'd like you to meet Poe, Poe, Finn," she said.

They shook hands and smiled. Finn settled in and Ben poured him some wine. Finn and Ben have met a few times, over lunches and Finn had been to the apartment a few times. Finn was Rey's only friend and he was on the robotics team with her. Poe had been over a few times as well. After she settled in, he came by to make sure everything was ok. He and Rey kept in touch via text as well.

The night went on well and they laughed and talked. Even Ben seemed to relax after two glasses of wine. These social settings weren't his forte. But, if going out on dates with Rey and her friends is what Rey wanted, then Ben wanted it, too. He rather liked her friends, too. Finn and Poe were the only two people she ever hung out with, they were no threat to him, and Rose had moved away to go to college. Rey was friendly with everyone, but he knew it took a lot to break down her walls and he, Finn, and Poe seemed to be the ones to do that. The lucky few, he thought to himself.

At the end of the night, Ben went to pick up the bill, but Poe insisted they split it. When Finn went to add his card to the pile, Poe wouldn't let him. Obviously the date had gone well. Rey saw Finn smile and put his card away. Rey and Ben said their goodbyes and watched Finn and Poe walk away together, clearly not ready for the date to end.

"That was fun!" Rey said smiling.

"I also enjoyed myself," Ben added, surprise evident in his voice.

"Ben, you know your birthday is coming up, like next week," she said a little sing songy.

"Don't" Ben said, "Don't! I know you're going to try to make a big deal of it, don't!" he said, pushy.

"I wooon't!" she sang back to him, skipping to the car.

He shook his head and smiled, wondering what he had done right to deserve this beautiful woman.

The next week classes started again. Rey was thrilled to not have an English class this term. She met her requirements with the one class last term. She had one math class, 2 science classes, and two engineering classes.

Ben's schedule was better this semester, it allowed him to meet Rey for lunch three times a week. He did find on his first day of his class that Finn was in his class this term. They waved and exchanged polite smiles, he knew Finn would play cool and it wouldn't be a problem.

"Rey," Finn said at lunch on Tuesday, "Ben is my professor this term. You were right, watching him teach!" he said raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Hey!" Rey retorted, "Don't even think about it, he's not interested," she smiled at her friend. "Speaking of, how did it go with Poe!"

"Well," Finn said, "We went home together that night!" he almost squealed. "And, I've seen him twice since then," Finn said smiling.

"YES!" Rey almost shouted, "I knew it would work, you guys are perfect," she said. 

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