Chapter 8

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Rey walked back to her car, almost skipping. She was elated. What a perfect day this turned out to be. She thought about her past birthdays spent alone in her room, no one even realizing it was her birthday. Compared to tonight, she's glad it had happened that way. She didn't think that anything she could have done in the past would have lived up to today.

When she was about halfway home, she heard her phone buzz.

Did you make it home ok?

She couldn't respond, she was driving. The thought of him texting her to check up made her smile though. When she arrived at Foster Five, she texted him back.

I just did. Thank you again for the wonderful evening. I couldn't have imagined a better birthday.

She wondered if that was too much, maybe she would scare him off.

It was nothing, really.

He replied to her, a huge smile covering his face. The night had been amazing for him too. He didn't want her to know how much he had enjoyed it either.

My favorite part of the night was the company, :)

She knew she was toeing the line. She was nervous for the response. She figured he would probably make up an excuse and she'd never see him again.

Well, I would agree with that sentiment. Your company was quite enjoyable also.

Sometimes, you sound like a hundred year old man.

I look forward to seeing you in the morning.

She left it at that. She fell asleep with a smile on her face and butterflies in her stomach.

When she awoke the next morning, she was excited for more than one reason. She started to bring all her personal items down and into her car. It was hardly enough to fill the trunk. She had nothing large or of much value. She had a few knick knacks from her childhood, a locket from her birth mother, a blanket from one of the better homes she had been in, and a couple of things she had picked up along the way. She had a small TV that she owned. Her apartment had a fridge, dishwasher, and microwave built into it. She was grateful for that. She owned an air mattress, which put the need for a bed on the back burner. She had to get a couch, which she was planning on shopping for later today. She also needed something to hold her TV. Those were her two priorities today.

Once all of her personal belongings were packed, she walked into the kitchen of Foster Five.

"I'm moving out. I turned 18," she said, very matter of factly to her foster parents.

"Oh! Ok," replied her foster mother, she slid her a $100 bill, "here, take this, happy birthday," she said.

"Thanks," Rey replied, took the money, and exited her very last foster home ever. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time. She stepped outside, took a deep breath, and got in her car to drive to her apartment. She'd have some paperwork to fill out at school tomorrow, but she knew it'd be worth it.

She arrived at her apartment complex in about 15 minutes. She got out of the car, it was 9:25. She was right on time. She headed to the super's office. She put her official signature on the two year lease, he discussed and highlighted when monthly rent was due. She signed at the right time, rent is due on the 15th of each month, today was April 17th. So her next payment wasn't due until May 15th since she already paid her first month's rent up front. He handed her the key to her apartment and the key to her mailbox. She was giddy with excitement as she went to her car to get her first trip of stuff to bring into the apartment.

When she got to the apartment, Ben was waiting outside of her apartment, just leaning up against the door, arms crossed.

"Good Morning," he said to her, smiling.

"You have no idea how good," she replied.

He reached down and took the load out of her hands, she reached for her key and unlocked the door that would lead to the rest of her life. 

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