Chapter 4

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The next few weeks flew by. Her 18th birthday was quickly approaching. She had 3 more days of school until she was officially an adult. She came home from school and counted the money she had stashed away. She had been meticulously saving all her money for years. She had almost $5,000 in her stash. She knew it would be enough for first, last, and security in her area for a studio. She had been talking with a local realtor who said she should call back when she was 18. She stashed her money back and got ready for her shift at the shop.

The next 3 days came and went and it was the day of her birthday, finally. She woke up early, even though it was a Saturday. She called her realtor and he said he could show her some apartments that afternoon. She excitedly agreed and he said he'd text her with the schedule in a few hours.

When the schedule arrived a few hours later it looked like they had 3 stops, a one bedroom uptown, a studio in the city, and a studio just outside of town. That one didn't seem feasible, she had to stay in the school district she was currently attending. She texted him back and he gave her a time for the first two. The first appointment was in an hour. She was so excited she figured she would head out early.

She arrived at the apartment building a half an hour before her scheduled time. She figured she could walk around and get a feel for the place. She got out of her car and entered the building. As she was exploring the lobby, she saw him. It was the guy from the coffee shop. She couldn't believe it. She waited in hiding behind a large plant until he passed. He was dressed in his usual all black attire and staring at his cell phone per usual.

"Rey?" she heard a voice from behind her ask.

"Poe!" she was taken off guard by the surprise of seeing her real estate agent.

She looked back and saw the guy from the coffee shop staring at her with that intense look again. She looked back to Poe and back to the guy, but he was gone.

"Let's get started," Poe said. He escorted her to the one bedroom apartment on the first floor. The apartment was small and mighty. She loved the idea of having her own space. This building was great, it was big and it was within walking distance to her work and the college. She'd have to drive to get to high school though. It was probably only a block away from the coffee shop and maybe 2 or 3 from the university.

The apartment felt huge! Poe was talking to her about utilities and amenities. She was hardly listening just taking in all the space. She was set on a studio because the idea of a 1 bedroom seemed out of her price range.

"What's the rent on this again?" she interrupted Poe.

"It's 1,100 a month and that includes heat and hot water. Cable, electric, and any other utilities are up to you," Poe replied.

"So it's 3,300 for first, last, and security?" she quickly added up.

"Yes ma'am," Poe replied to her, "And this is the last one bedroom unit in this building," he answered.

"I want it," she replied quickly.

"We haven't even seen the studio in the city," he said. "That apartment is very close to the social scene in the city, perfect for a young lady like yourself," he hinted.

"Oh no, I'm not very social. This location is perfect and the size is more than I could want!" she replied excitedly.

"Ok. We can go down to the supers office now and get the paperwork started," he said.

He lead her out of the apartment and down the hall. It was a first floor apartment which made it easier for moving in to. Poe was pointing things out to her as she passed them, but she wasn't really listening. They arrived at the supers office and Poe entered and introduced Rey.

"Hello," Rey shook his hand, trying to sound professional and adult like. Poe and the super exchanged conversation for a bit while some paperwork was started.

"Do you have your deposit with you now?" the super asked.

"Yes," Rey replied. She took the cash out of her bag carefully.

"Ok, I'll take your first, last and security, you'll sign a lease for a year, or for a discount, two years. If you sign for two years, I can knock your monthly rent down to $1,000 flat. Your deposit still won't change. I'll call to verify your employment today and you can move in tomorrow," he said.

She couldn't believe it! She decided on the two year lease, she knew she'd be here for at least 5 more years, why not get a discount! Plus, he knocked a hundred dollars off her deposit after she agreed to that as well. She needed some extra cash to get some furniture. She signed on the dotted lines and went back to Foster Five smiling uncontrollably. 

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