i missed you

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It took me a bit longer to manage to message Jin.

Me: "Where are you? Is everything okay?"

Right after i send those messages, i heard the door click.

Both Chi-Won and Jin were entering the room.

After some more minutes of preparing, we strated the dance practice.

Jin and i danced like any other day.

It was not like he would avoid me but still something feels off.

(9:30 p.m.)

Chi-Won anounced that the practice is over.

And most of the people where leaving.

The one that where left are Chi-Won, me and Jin.

The air was getting thicker, the more i was here so i decided to leave as well.

But before i could even try, i got held back by Chi-Won.

"(y/n), can you stay here for a little while longer?" he normaly doesn't sound like this. He didn't even call me 'honey' 'doll' or anything.

Just by my name.

I know it's serious.

'Crap', i cursed.

Jin was standing beside Chi-Won when i headed to them.

"You probably know why i ordered you to stay longer.", Chi-Won said.

I nodded and looked over to Jin.

With a long exhale Chi- Won continoued: " I talked to the two girls, that saw you yesterday. The did assure, that they didn't took any pictures. So there is hopefully no evidance."

"I know it was a misstake.", i look down almost bowing to excuse myself.

"It was not only your fault.", Jin tried to calm me.

I didn't even look at him when he said it.

"Oh dear...", Chi-Won was about to hug me but then decided to just pet my shoulder.

I took his hand to hold onto something.

"What sould i do now?", i ask.

"Don't let yourself see with Jin for the next few days."

"But we can still text each other.", Jin smiled at me worringly.

Chi-Won packed his stuff together and said:" I hope everything is clear now."

And by that he's gone.

Jin and me also decided to leave.

We walked silent next to each other.

But when we were about to reach the elevator, Jin all of a sudden decided to stop.

I turned back to him giving him a confused look.

"What's wrong?", i ask, but i know that nothing is going well.

I got closer to him.

The next second i got in his reach he was pulling me over to him into a hug.

I could feel him trying to hold back his tears.

"How did you sleep last night?", he's clearly tries so hard to talk.

"It was not as easy to fall asleep but okay, i guess. How about you?"

"I didn't."

I tighten my grip on him and burried my face into his chest.

"I'm sorry to hear that.", i said.

"It's okay. I just want to be with you."

I got quiet for a while.

I almost wanted to fall asleep like this.

It got more and more calming just staying there hugging him.

Then i heard him talking. For a moment it sounded from far away because i got drifted away.

"It was not a misstake.", i heard him:" Just the wrong location for it."

I loosen my grip and looked up to him.

It was again quiet between us.

We both were just looking at each other. I could feel myself losing in his eyes the more time passes. I got the same warm feeling like yesterday. It's just more comfortable now.

But before your faces could get closer, i pushed him lightly away.

"I should probably get going now.", i said heading to the elevator.

When i got in, i saw him still standing there eyeing me.

"You can get in as well, if you want. You don't need to stay here.", i slightly laughed.

He did as i said and got in.

"Just try to sleep tonight.", i said not looking at him.

"I'll try. But we need to messege each other befor going to bed."

"I was waiting for you yesterday to write me.", i tryed to look over to him without turning my face over to him.

"I was waiting for you as well. That's why i stayed up all night.", he answered.

I held my hand infront of my mouth chuckleing: " We are equally helpless."

The elevator door was about to open and as soon as i tryed to step forward, Jin pressed the button that closed the door.

Before i could think of why he would do this, i felt a hand dragging me back to him and he kissed me.

I was a bit shocked about it.

Now i know how he felt yesterday.

He let go of me and said:" I love you."

I was still a bit shocked and couldn'd say anything.

"...Is what i was trying to say to you yesterday.", he finished his sentence.

I just nodded.

He smiled at me and opened the door.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we got out.

Before we could reach the main door, he let go and turned to me.

"We need to separate for now.", he almost whispered.

He got out first and held out his phone to symbolize: 'We need to text each other'. 

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