what's the announcement

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I took a little breather and sat down on the floor beside Chi-Won.

"Don't ever kiss in public again.", he said.

"I won't."

"You kids are way to easy going. I like that but not if i need to save you everytime.", he laughed.

I started laughing with him and felt relieved.

I think everything is going to work out from now on.

The rest of the day went well.

"So guys, i have something special to announce!!", Chi- Won seems excited.

"What is it??", everyone is asking and was as excited at him.

Chi-Won almost jumped at one spot out of excitement:" All i can say is: turn on your tv at 11:00 p.m. the chanel is 'mct'"

Everyone is mumbling around.

"But i don't have a tv...", someone said sad.

"Don't worry bro, we can watch it at my home."

"Why isn't Chi-Won telling us?"

"He's so weird."

"Maybe it has something to do with our show."

"It's 10:00 p.m. already. So we need to hurry!"

"It's probably just his favorite disney movie..."

I was actually very happy about what Chi-Won said.

Because i think it has something to do with our show.

But i couldn't be happy with anyone else.

I was still afraid to get up to Jin.

And it's almost the same thing with Jimin.

I just stood there fake smiling.

"You guys are free for today! Have a chill night and don't forget to turn on your tv.", Chi-Won said good bye to everyone and left the studio.

I left right after him.

But all of a suddon i hear a:"Where is my phone??!"

"I can't find mine as well!"

The two girl noticed it.

But before they could say anything more, i closed the door.

I got into the elevator.

Before the door closed, i noticed a foot blocking the door from closing and got in.

It was Jin and with him was Jimin.

I rolled with my eyes:" I am trying to avoid you guys for a reason."

"Oh, we just got in when you were gettin in.", Jimin smirked.

"Yea it's just a coincidence.", Jin smiled also a bit evil.

I smiled but tried to hide it behind my hoodie.

"So will you guys be watching the special thing, Chi-Won announced?", i ask.

"For sure!", Jimin almost screamed.

"How about we watch it together?", Jin ask and was looking directly at me.

"Oh yea, that's also a good idea!", Jimin screamed.

"I mean just (y/n) and me.", Jin glanced at Jimin who is still excited.

"Aww com' on... (y/n), do something!", Jimin begged.

"It would only be fair to invite him.", i turned to Jin.

"Why?", Jin ask angry.

"Because he helped us!"

That sentence made Jimin smile.

"Fine...", Jin is looking away from us.

"At our place or at yours?", Jimin ask.

"Of course at ours! We have a bigger tv and a better security system!", Jin said.

"Why is that a important thing.", Jimin ask.


"The security system..?"

"Well, i heard the two girls from earlier say, that they think that (y/n) stole there phone and they want revenge."

"I think (y/n) will be saver at our home."

They want revenge?

Now i'm a bit scared.

"But how should i get to your place? I can't just get in the same car as you guys.", i realize.

"True.", Jimin thoughed.

"You will take a taxi right after us. We will be waiting for you there.", Jin made a plan.

"And don't forget to text us if anything happens.", Jimin said.

I nodded.

After some waiting for my taxi it finally came. I took out my phone to read the adress Jin send me to tell the driver where to go.

I saw the two girls getting out and eyeing me.

'If looks could kill', i thoughed.

We drove off and when i get there i was instandly greeted by Jin and Jimin.

Both of them let me in the door and we got up to there apartment. 

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