«Advice Columnists: Why Is Anime So Stupid? »

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«Advice Columnists: Why Is Anime So Stupid? »

My brother. Daniel: Why is anime so stupid?

Poniesaremybffs: Ah, Daniel. I remember you watching all 51 episodes of Soul Eater, also Pokemon, both of which, I assume, you somewhat enjoyed. But the fact that you're asking this question means that, anime, as a whole, is not your cup of tea. That, as I've hastily told you many times, is fine.

        But your question must be answered, so I find myself in the position of telling you why it is that anime is 'stupid'.

        Readers, I believe it would be a good idea if I were to explain my older brother's personality. Daniel is smart. Oddly so. He applies logic to everything he watches/reads/does. It can be quite annoying for a rather whimsical younger sibling like myself. He watched Soul Eater one year ago without telling me, for he, after watching the first episode with me, decided he would like to know how this odd show were to end. If you, dear reader, are a logical person, and have seen Soul Eater, then it goes without saying that perhaps it wasn't your favorite show. There is not much logic applied to the storyline, and its characters and their actions all apply themselves to a system made purely of fantasy. Perhaps an anime like Code Geass or Attack on Titan, even, would suit people such as yourselves better.

        But Daniel, I cannot help but avoid your question. You see, your opinion happens to somewhat contradict my own. Instead, I will use the comparison I always have when dealing with people such as you.

        Anime can be anything. Anime can be stupid, yes, but it can also be moving. It can be illogical, or it can be pure wit. It can be silly, it can be serious. Action or comedy. Loving or saddening. It can be like any live action show you find yourself enjoying. Any sitcom or drama or action hit, it doesn't matter. All of these, if animated, could easily fit into anime. If any anime were a YA novel, or some new TV series to appear on ABC, no one would give it a second thought. I believe the reason that so many people immediately discredit anime is because 1) They were shown the wrong anime for them, or, perhaps, the wrong part (like your parents walking into the room as soon as a perfectly innocent movie says its first curse word), or 2) they choose to completely discredit anime due to the medium it takes form as. Taking animated shows seriously? It's something a lot of people aren't all that accustomed to doing.

        My point is, Daniel, perhaps Soul Eater wasn't right for you. But that doesn't mean all anime are the same. I hope I helped.

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