Day 36-40

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- Day 36

The first thing I did this morning was finally slip the {Yin-Yang Gloves} onto Fu's hands while she slept, meaning I had some time to do what I wanted to do before she woke up and stole me away. I spent the morning working with Emery to determine what I wanted for my new weapon. We went over a few different designs but in the end we settled with something I think suits me and my race quite well. With that done, all I needed to do was find the right materials. Of course, we could just use regular steel but if I'm going to be fighting more creatures on the level of the Golem then I need something stronger. Though it would be a waste of {Sword Mastery} if I didn't wield a sword at all so I'll be using one temporarily and most likely in battles that don't require my main weapon.

After figuring out all the little details, I went to find Sei as I had promised to show her my magic. When I found her, she was sitting next to Rou as he was hand sowing something together using the pelt he got from his life or death confrontation. They seemed to be talking about something so I didn't interrupt but they went back to silence pretty quick allowing me to stroll up and call out. Rou simply said "hey" while Sei didn't say a word, instead opting to stand up, grab my arm and start pulling me in another direction. I didn't move for a moment because her strength is so much lower than my own but I surrendered and went with her after seeing her cute struggling face.

When we arrived a fair distance outside of the settlement, Sei didn't beat around the bush and told me to show her my magic. I think she's a little annoyed or embarrassed about earlier. I relented and showed her the rank 1 spell <Bolt>. I told her to get back just in case but I wasn't expecting the level of power we saw. <Bolt> has become a straight line of pure, dark orange electricity that burned its way through everything without effort, leaving a hole in everything it hit in a straight line for about 60 metres. Not only that but it still had the extra electricity that scarred the area around it for 50 metres.

When Sei asked if this really was a rank 1 skill, I told her yes but currently even I'm a little unsure. Perhaps it's because of the {Blessing of the God of Lightning}. To test it, I got her to stand back a little more than last time and I used the rank 1 magic <Flare>. This was more like what I was used to. It's meant as a simple flare and, although it's bigger, brighter and burns hotter than before, that's the kind of thing I'd expect from a rank up. Not suddenly being able to shoot lasers.

Anyway, after putting out the fire before it really got started, we found a nice, large stone that reminded me of that damn golem so I figured that it would be the perfect test for my rank 2 spell <Pressure Crush>. When I pushed my open palm out towards it and clenched my fist, the stone began to collapse in on itself before crumbling into dust. Wow, that's...How much pressure is needed to crush a stone? Considering how easy that was, I'm actually a little averse to using that on a person. Maybe if they piss me off.

Sei seemed impressed, at least I think she was. It's hard to tell since she doesn't change her expression very much very often. We then moved on to a large cliff face where I used the rank 3 chaos magic <Sunder>. The cliff...split vertically in two. I should probably close that up with {Earth Control}. I sighed as I thought about how I actually held back with that one but it still did something insane. Come to think of it, I wonder why the {Great God of Chaos} even chose me in the first place? Oh well, food for thought another time I suppose since Sei actually appears to have stars in her eyes. We ended up returning with her around my arm but when she asked me why I didn't use Lightning based magic for the 2nd and 3rd ranks, I told her that I didn't want to completely destroy the forest. She understood after a little more convincing. Speaking of which, since {Sense Presence} was on tonight, I noticed Sei sneak into bed with us, followed later by Emery. I let it be.

Fu kept waking me up while talking in her dreams. Well, more like giggling. I wasn't sure whether to be endeared or frightened.

- Day 37

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