Day 101-105

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- Day 101

When I woke up this morning, it felt like almost an entire year had passed in my sleep. It was strange but the feeling quickly left when I looked to my side to see Fu sleeping soundly by my side. The others had returned to their own rooms after having their way with me though Fu and Hazuki decided to go for another round. I swear they must have some form of endurance skill I'm unaware of.

Regardless of all of that, once we had woken up and I was successfully freed from Fu's grasp, which was surprisingly difficult since I didn't want to hurt her, we all went downstairs for breakfast. We got a few odd looks from some of the patrons but the people who were here yesterday had already gotten used to our presence. What worried me was the strange looks I received from the people who shared the same floor as us. I probably should have sealed the rooms so that sound didn't leak out.

Since I can't exactly go around eating people's souls in the city, I decided to join everyone for the meal this time. It's not bad, eating alongside others. The inn's poster girl, the bear child who almost witnessed something unpleasant, also joined us for a chat when she wasn't busy. Thanks to her, we learned that in order to enter the dungeons, any race recognised as a monster needs to buy an identification plate. Essentially a dog tag used by monsters to show that they aren't spawned by the dungeon. Even with that, the likelihood of a monster being mistaken for a dungeon monster is still quite high. Supposedly, the monster should be exonerated for acting in self defence but a lot of people, soldiers and civilians alike, don't see it that way. I don't really care but apparently the price to buy them can range from two silver to forty silver. I'm assuming the increased price only happens when a fool shows up or someone they don't like since it's necessary to enter the dungeon. At least in this city, you also have to buy a new one every time you enter, supposedly to prove that it isn't stolen or fake. I guess it's a good thing I managed to acquiesce some money from the bodies during the little war in the forest so we don't have to worry about that for now.

The main issue I've been fretting over is who to take with me and who to leave. I doubt Emery would do well in the dungeon, although I'm sure she would enjoy looking at all the ores. While I was thinking about this, Emery and Cilia came up to me and told me that they would like to explore the city and look at the kinds of things they sell. Cilia is interested in the crafts made with the moonstone while Emery wants to take a look at the work of the city's blacksmiths. I said that was fine but as I don't trust this city to be kind to two beautiful women walking the streets alone, I decided that Rinbo, the Dullahan and Ven, the Tiger man, would go with them. Both to protect them and to carry their purchases if need be. They agreed surprisingly fast and promised to make sure they stay safe or die trying. I admit that I'm impressed with their attitudes. I'll have to reward them if the day goes well.

Taking the rest of the group with me, we made our way to the dungeon's entrance. If I were to give my honest opinion, I would say it looked like a tourist attraction. Lisbeth went to find the merchant along with Sei and Dou so I was left to take a look around and purchase the IDs. All kinds of people wandered aimlessly around the area. Merchant stalls were selling strange crafts and pawning off poorly made jewellery. Some of them were actually trading cash for the Moonstone people managed to collect in the dungeon. Naturally, they charged extra. From what I could tell, the merchants and veteran adventurers tended to stay away from them, knowing it was a rip-off while the newer, younger adventurers happily cashed in their hard work for a pittance. It's kind of sad. I suppose that just goes to show the difference in education and experience.

I eventually found the one handing out, or rather, selling the IDs for monsters. The well armed soldier took one glance at me and a small glint of a smirk could be seen on his face. This should be annoying. I was right. The moment I asked for an ID, he told me I would need to pay a total of 48 silver for my own. This place is full of rats. I decided to use {Expert Bartering} and {Noble Knight's Ancestry} in an attempt to lower the price and I did quite well if I say so myself. In the end, Hazuki, Lisbeth, Ramura and Sigul didn't need the IDs so I only had to buy four. I managed to barter the price down from 84 silver to a measly 10. Safe to say the soldier wasn't seeing straight after that. I'd be surprised if I couldn't convince him that he's a flying purple dragon with skills like that.

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