Day 16-20

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- Day 16

I've been getting some odd looks from Kichi and when I asked what his problem was, he responded by saying he wanted a rematch. I obliged and we fought. It took a little longer than last time due to Kichi's new strength but it ended with the same result as last time. He held his hand up, expecting to be pulled back to his feet so I obliged cautiously, expecting him to pull me down to the ground and start trying to pummel me. Even though I released his wrist the second I was sure he was standing, it appears as though he never had any such intentions in the first place.

His group then headed out on another hunt and I had to deal with the appearance of Gobudo in his Hobgoblin form. Sleek but muscular with the normal, green, Hobgoblin skin colour. He asked for a spar, probably thinking that I would be tired after fighting Kichi. Unfortunately for him, that was not the case. Because he had regained such a prideful demeanour, I quickly beat it out of him. Maybe that sight when we were still goblins is the reason no one wants to come with me? Nah, it's probably just me.

When Rou's group returned, the other goblins scrambled to give them offerings but he just cooked them and gave them back. Huh, so it's not normal for goblins to eat things raw. I should probably tell Gobudo.

- Day 17

The other goblins, led by a female goblin with a bandana called Gobue, begged Rou to teach them more ways to kill things. After coming to an arrangement with the goblins, Rou put them through a mild training regime that resulted in him being the only one left standing. Gobumi was showing of her gear to the other goblins and it seems that Gobufu, not wanting to be outdone, did the same with her stuffed rabbit. At least she likes it?

I went out hunting on my own again today, not finding anything new or gaining any new skills but I was able to test one of the kobolds swords that I stole the other day. I ran into Rou at one point and he was doing the same thing I was. We passed by without any unnecessary occurrences. I wonder how we match up against each other?

Later that night I noticed Rou doing something suspicious and when I looked it seems that he was giving the girls in the storage room a choice and a small bottle of poison. I waited for them to use the poison and for Rou to leave before entering and eating their souls and the essence of the poison bottle. {Human Language}, {Continental Character Deciphering}, {Mapping}, {Job: Wizard}, Job: Light swordsman}, {Job: Druid}, {Job Craftsmen}, {Demise Poison Resistance}. Turns out that they knew quite a bit. The craftsman and light swordsman jobs should come in handy and depending on what the Druid job is, it could be quite good as well. What interested me the most however, was the Demise Poison that Rou seems to be capable of using. Did he learn that or is it because of his attunement with a god?

Regardless, I quickly left with the bottle in pieces on the floor so that when the others found them, the blame wasn't immediately pushed onto me. Goblin Gramps was in a panic at the scene, weeping at the loss of the girls and several children. Rou disposed of the container and moved on to cremating the bodies, though not before partaking in their flesh. I'm starting to get an unpleasant idea about who he was if he was indeed reborn so I'm feeling the need to strengthen myself now more than ever. When the bodies go up in flame, I offer a small prayer from my hiding place and at the same time, learn that Rou can use {Pyrokinesis} himself.

- Day 18

I'm spending my time searching through the storage room using the {Detect Analysis} skill to find anything interesting. I found a total of three health potions, a bottle of holy water and some still functional equipment. I took some of the equipment for myself before eating the essence of the potions and holy water. {Regeneration}, {Potion Creation}, {Minor Healing}. That should keep me going for a while. When I exit the storage room, I found that Gobumi had ranked up to a Hobgoblin and Gobufu has told me that she's getting close to doing the same. When I offered to help her she agreed quickly so I made her some new clothing and gave her the kobold ninja's dagger.

She seemed to like it and promised to treasure them. Personally I'd rather she didn't. There's no use getting attached to a weapon if you're just going to replace it soon anyway. We set out to gather the appropriate amount of levels for her and when I asked about how much she replied by saying that she was at level 91.

As we traversed the familiar forest, we killed quite a few things. 5 Horned rabbits, 8 Seven coloured bats, 3 Night Vipers, 2 Kobolds, 1 Orc and 1 spider. After we finished I asked her how she was doing and she said fine. I quickly corrected myself by telling her I was talking about her level but she just giggled saying that she'd reached 100 a while ago but felt like staying out a bit later. What a strange girl. When we got back to the cave she bit me lightly on the shoulder, thanked me and rushed away. Again, what a strange girl.

- Day 19

True to her word, Gobufu ranked up to Hobgoblin. I made her some new clothes since the others had become too small, telling her she could just give them to someone else if she wanted. I also wanted to give her a new weapon but she seems to be very attached to the Kobold Dagger. That's fine, it is an alright weapon after all. With that settled, Gobudo came to visit and for some reason Gobufu got a strange look in her eyes that I'm just going to ignore for now. He asked me to make him some clothes and armour so I agreed on the condition that he come with me when we hunt. This got gobufu looking at us weirdly again but it's nothing strange, I just need an extra meat bag for defense if I'm going to take on higher level creatures while I'm weaker since that seems to be the best way to level up.

He agreed so I made him some clothes and gave him some armour from storage along with a katana I found during my searching. I'd use it myself but i don't think it really matches my style. As we were heading out, Gobufu asked if she could come as well and I didn't really see the harm in it. We spent the day hunting for new prey and levelling the other two up a bit. I barely gained any experience though since I seem to already be level 42 while the others are 15 and 7 respectively. By the end of the day I was a little frustrated since we couldn't find anything new so I ended up taking it out in a spar with Gobudo.

- Day 20

I noticed today that Rou has been looking through the storage himself, finding a few good weapons and armour for himself and his group. When I went to go out hunting alone today, Goblin Gramps told me to be careful of a red hind bear. Apparently it's known as the king around here and can breath scorching hot fire with the strength of multiple normal hind bears. Unfortunately I didn't find it today but I did manage to level up a few of my other abilities.

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