Chapter 7 - Oh my God

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John's POV
I woke up staring at the ceiling, quickly shielding my eyes from the sunlight that was currently in my face. I layed like this for a couple minutes until I heard a soft grunt beside me.

No way, no way! Who's house am I in right now? Or am I sleeping with Laf? (sorry, i ship it. They aren't dating though.) "Oh, good morning John." The person, or Y/n, said sleepily. My face flushed red. No. No! I slept with Y/n.. The guys are going to kill me!

"U-Uh good morning, Y/n." I managed to croak out. Y/n sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back." She said before getting out of bed and going to the bathroom.

When she got into the bathroom, I started to have a mini freak out. I slept with Y/n! What do I do? I can't just walk out of her room right now, it's too early! The guys are going to think something's up! And plus I share a room with Lafayette. If he notices I'm not there, I'm toast!

In the middle of my freak out, someone opens the door. I shoot my head up and look at the person with fear, but calmed down seeing it was Y/n. "If you want to leave, you can," She said.

I nodded rapidly and raced out of her room. I quietly made my way downstairs, watching my every step. Well, until I bumped into someone way taller than me.

I hesitantly looked up, then gulped. I bumped into Thomas, who was currently smirking at me. He backed up, letting me have some space, but still was smirking.

"Alright Freckles, spill." He said. I tried to play it off but failed miserably. "What-What are you talking abooout? I just-ha.." Thomas crossed his arms and stared at me with disbelief.

"Don't play dumb, Laurens. I just saw you come out of Y/n's room. And early in the morning too? Somethin's up." I blushed and looked down. "I-It's really none of your business, Thomas." I mumbled, still looking down.

"Look, I'm not gonna tell anyone, just spill already." I took a deep breath. As long as he doesn't tell anyone..

"I-I slept with Y/n." I looked up at Thomas. His eyes went wide and he put a hand over his mouth. "Oh my god.. Oh my god!!" Thomas screeched.

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