Chapter 6- Matching Heartbeats

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"ok, so I'm off today and I was wondering if you need me to get you any clothes?" Gunnar asked with his mouth stuffed with cereal. "yea, I'm going to need some." I replied. "ok we could go to Walmart today and when I know you better, I will spend more money on you." he smiled. "your money? I have my own." I answered. "yeah, but what is 35 bucks gonna buy you nowadays." he said. "you searched my bag?!" I asked. "yea, if your in my home, I need to know what you are carrying. I also found a gun. What's that for?" he asked. I frowned and looked down. "it's for protection, you know how it is in Jersey." I replied. He nodded and asked "how are you feeling?". He was too nice to me, if he knew what I did it might have been a different story. "I feel fine and i can walk now and support myself." I replied. "okay, do you want to go to the club later?" he asked. I hadn't been to a club in a long time because I always found trouble there. I didn't want to go but it was his day off, an I didn't want to ruin it. Wait! Did I just think about a mans feelings and needs? What is wrong with me. Surprisingly though, I still said yes. We sat down and watched t.v for a couple hours, then Ahsinam called. "hey, what's up?" I said. "Im so glad to hear from you, I was so worried. Are you ok? Where did you sleep last night? Do you have food and clothing? Are you...?". I stopped her right in the middle of her granting and said " yes, I'm ok, I'm with a police officer." I said. "WHAT! They got you? Oh my God no! I'm coming over to the department...". I had to stop her again. "no, I'm not arrested, I'm in a police officer's apartment. It's a long story how I ended up here, but I'm safe and okay. I think it's kinda funny how I was trying to run away from them but ran into one." I said. "oh ok" she sighed and laughed in relief. Gunnar was in the bathroom and I had hoped he wouldn't hear anything. "is he nice? Do you think you can trust him?" she asked. "he is super nice and hot. He treats me like Ive known him forever. I haven't told him what I do yet and I don't plan on telling him." i said. "keep an open mind about him, he could be different from the rest of these worthless men." she said. "Stay on the look out and keep you and the baby safe, I have to go." I said and hung up. Gunnar had flushed the toilet and was about to come out. His iPod was next to me on the couch so I took a look through it. He was very diverse when it came to his music. He had everything from Whitney Houston to Guns N Roses and from Rascal Flatts to Lady GaGa. I think I was starting to like him as a friend because he was funny and unique. When he came out of the bathroom, he looked at me and grinned from ear to ear. " what are you so happy about?" I asked. "I never told you this but I guess I should now. Im smiling because you do everything my wife used to do. She would look through my songs and say, 'i love this song baby and I love you'. She was very independent like you too." he said and his smile slowly went down as he thought of her. His wife probably didn't kill men, I thought. "what happened?" I asked. "she died in a..a car crash" he said my heart almost broke as I saw him grow very sad and depressed. But then i reminded myself that he was a man and they didn't have feelings. "there was nothing the doctors could do. But i know she's in a much better place now." he said. I was shocked because there were no pictures of her and he didn't wear a ring. He must have had a lot of strength to move on. "I'm so sorry" I said. He sat down. "so, do you like my songs?" he asked. "I love them.. I mean, they are ok. You listen every genre out there." I answered. He laughed. It was nice to see him smile after getting so sad. It made me wonder, who went through a harder time?, me or him. Losing a wife compared to being abused as a child. I sat and thought. He broke my concentration when he asked "you ready to go shopping?". " yea" I replied.i couldn't wait to get his shirt off of me because the shirt I had on was bloody from the stabbing. Walmart was huge and full of money spenders. Something didnt feel right though. I felt as if i was being watched, but i brushed off the feeling and said i was safe and it was just the cameras. We went to the juniors section and I picked out a couple of tops and some jeans and shorts. The clothes weren't horrible, for now. When I went to the bra an panty section, Gunnar went to look at his section. I was looking through really nice bras when someone came up behind me and made me turn to face them. "well, if it isn't my favorite female murderer." he said. It was a man name José who was part of a gang that i killed the leader of. "you know, youve actually made my life better. I get more respect as the new leader and more control." he spat in my face and that made me furious. "we aren't like the rest of the men you've killed." he said. I laughed an said "really? How so?". He was mad at my laughing but soon relaxed and said " bring it and you will see, baby girl". " I'm right here, why don't you do something or give me a little preview" I teased. His hands were balled up and he walked closer. I loved getting them mad. "if I weren't here with my wife an kids, I would have messed your pretty face up" he said angrily. I laughed and looked straight in his face. Gunnar came back and asked "is everything alright here?". Josè was frightened at the sight of a police officer but quickly relaxed and answered "oh sí, yes officer. I just wanted to say hi. She is a good friend to the family." Gunnar nodded and stood there. " bye Summer" he said and grinned like a true friend. "it's Winter" I said. "oh, yes please forgive me, I just don't think the name fits you" he waved and left to his wife and kids. I turned to finish my shopping. We went to Gunnar's apartment and dropped of the things. " Hey, do you want to go to the beach?" he asked. There was absolutely no way for a human being to be able to resist his sparkling blue eyes. " yea" I answered. I took a shower and put on some new clothes. I wore a sundress that was cheap but had a nice floral print on it. I am not a girly person, but I like to dress up sometimes. When I came out the bathroom, Gunnar was doing the whole staring thing again. " you look beautiful" he said. "thanks and thank you again for buying my clothes." I said. "no problem, let's go" he said. He sounded like he was in a rush and I don't know why. When we got to the beach, the sun was going down and the sunset was wonderful. We walked and his hand slowly crept around mine. I didn't want to hold hands with a man but I couldn't resist him. After walking for a while, sat on the sand and watched the sun in silence while holding hands. This was very awkward for me but I kinda liked it. Behind us was a bush with flowers peaking out. Gunnar took one, brushed it off and put it in the said of my hair. He was looking into my eyes and I was looking in his. He went in for the kiss. I somewhat resisted at first but joined in. It was much more gentler than my kiss the evening before. He hugged me and laid me down in the sand. He had no shirt on and his muscles rubbed against my skin giving me goosebumps. He kissed me some more and looked into my eyes and smiled. "I think I like you" he said. I smiled and blushed. I wasn't supposed to be feeling this way. It was outrageous that I had all these feelings but maybe Ahsinam was right, he could be different and maybe the one I wanted to have a child with. After all, there was no fault with him. I got up from being on top of me and helped me up. My wound still hurt but it was managable compared to the pain I had experienced when I was younger. There were times when it was so bad, I couldn't walk or even move. When my father would come home the first he would do was drink too many glasses of beer and smoke. He would break the glasses and cut my arms and thighs with them. I bled a lot but mom was once a nurse and knew what to do. My mother wasn't all that good though. She liked to see me get raped and was the one that brought about the idea for me to go into prostitution to make money and get drugs. What was worse was that by any slim chance my father didn't feel like having sex with me, my mom would finger me to make sure I was always open. I don't know why they did such terrible things to me even til today. Gunnar and I went back to his apartment and got ready for the club. When we arrived at the Dancers Paradise club, people were drunk and grinding on each other while some were falling down and some were basically having sex right there. We started dancing and almost every girl was trying to get on Gunnar. He just laughed and every time we weren't dancing together or he got uncomfortable, he would hold my hand and pull me close. My chest would rub against his and he would pull me closer. I felt everyone was watching us. I turned around and teased him with my butt and rubbed it against him. He lowered in my ear. "can I touch?". I was surprised he asked. Usually men would just touch anywhere they wanted but not where women wanted them to. "sure" I said. His hands went to my hips down to my thighs and I could feel him grow. We were synced together with the music and the boom and strobe lights matched our matching heartbeats. Later on, they played a soft, slow song. He spun me around and looked into my eyes holding me close. He held me like I was a baby and rocked me back and forth. My head rested on his chest and his head rested on mine. We must have looked like the perfect couple, even though we weren't. Some guy came and interrupted by tapping me on the shoulder.

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