Chapter 10 - Silver Haired

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We both grew tired so Gunnar took us to his apartment. His car was a green mustang wig shiny rims. It looked expensive for him. If we actually became something, I would love his money as well. As I sat in his car, I thought to myself, it was such a coincidence that I'm a wanted criminal and he's a police officer and he doesn't even know who I am. I don't plan on telling him about my past, because I don't think he should be worried about me. "you okay?" he asked and interupted my thoughts. "yea I'm fine." I replied. "did you like it?" he asked. I turned to him and smiled "yes, thank you.". He smiled and turned his focus back to the road. "I have to tell you something" he said. My heart pounded heavily. I hoped he wasn't going to say that he knows who I am and that he's going to turn me in. "yea, why is it?" I frowned and asked. He took a deep breath " when my wife died, I thought I would never be able to love again. Just the thought of having a girlfriend made me sick. But lately, since you've come into my life, I've found that feeling, that spark I had with her and I know that... I love you. I know it might sound crazy because ice just met you, but this feeling is taking me over and I feel great. You're gorgeous both inside and out." he said. I was speechless. He said he loved me and I had a strange feeling to believe him. But then again, my parents said the same thing. I smiled. What am I suppose to say? I can't say I love him. I don't know him nor do I want to love him. He's just a guy... Friend who helped me. I felt so bad for him though. He was nice and different than the others. I could say I love him but I know in my heart I don't and never will. "I...I think love you too" I smiled. He grinned then said "what do you love about me?". Sadly, it took me a while to respond. "I....I love that you are so nice and that you care for strangers. You're honest and I love that you love me too." I said without thinking. He smiled but then frowned slightly. We reached his apartment. He got out of the car and told me to wait. He came to the passenger side and opened the door for me. He was still frowning when I took his hand. "what is it?" I asked. "you don't think I'm hot?" he said and turned to freeze me with those icy eyes of his. I laughed and blushed. THis part I didn't have to lie about. "of course I do! I love your blue eyes, abs and chest" I said tracing his abs lightly with my fingers. He chuckled under his breath. I looked up at him and said "oh, I almost forgot. I also like that tight butt" I said an slapped it lightly. He laughed and pulled me closer. "you wanna know what I love about your body?" he asked. I was immediately reminded of a guy that was my father's friend. I started to frown as I remembered that he would rape me make me do things a child shouldn't ever have to do or go through. His name was Randy and he would make me give him blowjobs and handjobs. I remember him being one of the most disgusting men ever and I can still remember how disgusting he tasted. My father and Randy would have sex with me at the same time if they were in the mood. Once when he was done, he would say "Robert, you've got a special b***h here. She's perfect and d**n she's fine at such a tender age. On her body, I love that round a** that just makes you wanna bust it wide open. I love her breasts that bounce perfectly with her small size." he would laugh and so would my father. They were drunken idiots discussing an 8 year olds body. "hahahaha, I know man. She's special. I love when I pull her hair and she screams like a little b***h, but most of all, I love looking into those green eyes filled with tears." he would laugh out loudly. I shook my head and looked up at Gunnar, I had to remember that it was a different day and Gunnar was a muh better man, or was he? "yea, sorry" I said. "it's ok. I love your green eyes and your heart" he said. I smiled again and kissed him. He kissed back and went for more,but still held my waist. I liked that about him, he asks before he touches. I rubbed his back then worked my to his chest and pulled him closer. I backed up into his mustang and he came closer. The kissing got more intense as he started kissing my neck and going further down to my breasts. The way he kisses was perfect. It was magical, not too rough and not too soft. I gasped and lifted one of my legs up to push him closer as he pushed me gainst the car even more.what was going on with me? It was like someone else was taking over. He took off his shirt and I took off mine. He went back to suking on my breasts and he held me up. I wrapped both of my legs around his waist and I could feel his thing. He brought me to the trunk of the car and laid me there. The kissing was getting hotter and we both were out of breath. "excuse me!" I heard an annoying voice shout at us. I looked up and saw a woman with a flashlight in her robe. Her silver hair was all messed up and showed that she wasn't having a goodnight. "you young folks have been making a lot of noise at this late time! I need to sleep so please o do your business somewhere else!" she shouted. I was enjoying this so much that I didn't realize we were groaning so loud while outside in the night. She was still standing there watching us in our positions. "I'm so sorry Mrs.Hutcherson. We will be quieter." Gunnar said. She nodded and walked away. "wow.... That was embarrasing, I didn't know we we were that bad" I said. Gunnar laughed "she makes everything a big deal. Her husband isnt able to give her the pleasure she wants, so shes a very cranky old woman." he said. I nodded and was still breathing heavily. "soooooo....Do you want to continue?" he asked. "sure, but probably not here." I said. He laughed "ok where do you want to go, my apartment or my car?" . " I'm germiphobic and clausterphobic so I'll choose the apartment." I said. He laughed and his dimples never looked cuter. "okay" he smiled and lifted me up off the car and we continued kissing as he walked. We made into the apartment and right away we got to it again. I went against the wall and pulled him closer. We kissed and I pulled down his pants zipper.and he pulled mine down. Soon we were both naked. I wrapped my legs around him so he could get in. He put boh his hands against the wall and moaned as he went in. I groaned "Gunnar". Soon he put me on the table throwing everything that was on it to the ground. He took control over everything and nknew exactly how I wanted it. he took me to his bed and I became a cowgirl. After what I thought was 3 hours, we went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up feeling refreshed. Gunnar wasn't in bed. He was probably making breakfast like he always did. I went to the kitchen and saw him. "if you keep making breakfast in the morning without a shirt on, I might have to make you my personal chef." I said. "anything for you, baby" he said and my skin got goosebumps. I bit my lip and gave him some help. He held my hand and pulled me close and whispered "last night was wonderful". I laughed and blushed " I know and it's all because of me.". His phone rang. He picked it up and looked at it. He frowned "I have to take this outside. It's for my job." he put a shirt on and walked out. something wasn't right. After a few minutes, he came back inside. "sorry about that. They told me I have to go to work later today but I'll still spend time with you, my green eyed girl." he said. "oh ok" I replied but I was still worried. "there's a fair not to far from here and I was thinking of taking you." he said. "sure" I replied.

He drove to the fair that was filled wig children. They all looked so happy and adorable with there caring and great parents. I could tell They gave them a wonderful life unlike my parents who made mine a living hell. Gunnar held my hand and said "that ride over there is so much fun, we have to go on it!" he sounded like a child with a mouthful of cotton candy. I looked to the ride he was pointing to and saw a tall tower that had a square shape with 4 seats on each side of the only moving part. the part holding the seats went up to the very top and dropped the people about halfway down then stopped and dropped them down unexpectadly again. I didn't like this "I think I'll pass" I said. "no, you won't we are going on it now!" he laughed and grabbed my arm. We waited in line for only a couple of minutes. I pleaded to Gunnar "I really don't like being up that high". He laughed "it's not that bad, baby" he said and I frowned. "hey" he said and used

His finger to lift my chin. "don't you trust me?" he asked. "yea" I nodded. We were up. We sat in the seats and Gunnar strapped me in. "thank you" I said. He put his belt on. My heart was pounding out of my chest. "breathe" he smiled at me. The ride started and were were going up slowly. Once we were at the top, we could see the whole fairgrounds. I closed my eyes and suddenly we dropped. I screamed my heart out. And opened my eyes. We dropped again and thankfully that was the last drop. I was sure I had lost my voice from all the screaming. We got off and Gunnar was holding his stomach laughing. He was laughing throughout the whole thing. "oh my God! I hate you!" I said. "I love you too" he replied. We rode some more rides that were much better than that one and had so much fun. He bought me flowers and I smiled. He gave me a different view on life and made me feel so good. If all went well, maybe we could last.

We left the park and went to Gunnar's apartment. He opened the door and I almost fainted at what I saw. In the apartment was Ahsinam and a group of police officers.

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