Chapter 4

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I really like the medicine cat den, Silverkit thought, I want this to be my den, I want to help cats all the time! "Hey Bluepool! Have you got an apprentice in mind?" Silverkit asked Bluepool as she padded up to her. "No. Why?" Bluepool asked. "I want to be your apprentice! I want to be able to help my clan, but not by hurting others. I want to heal instead." Silverkit said puffing out her chest. "OK. I'll tell Ripplestar that you want to be my apprentice. But you have to prove you really want to, first. You can start now. I need more yarrow, and I just got a bunch of new herbs. Can you sort out the herbs?" Bluepool asked. "Yeah! Of course. Go and get the yarrow." Silverkit said as she grabbed the unsorted herbs. She took out a blue star shaped flower and started a pile. This is easy. I think I'll be good at this! She was snapped out of her thoughts when a adult cat came up. "Hey, Silverkit! What are you doing here?" The Dark grey she-cat asked as she padded up. "I'm proving I can be a medicine cat apprentice to Bluepool by sorting these herbs." Silverkit said, still putting the star shaped flower into a large pile. "Oh OK. I'm Darkpelt, by the way. Do you know what to do with thorns?" Darkpelt asked Silverkit. "Yes. Let me see it." Silverkit demanded. Darkpelt held her paw up for Silverkit to work with. She licked at it until it got stuck in her teeth. She pulled it out and then spit it out. "Thanks! I'll tell Bluepool when she gets back." Darkpelt said as she padded away.
As Silverkit finished up sorting herbs, she saw Bluepool come through the camp entrance. Darkpelt came up to her. "Bluepool, while you were away, Silverkit was able to get rid of my thorn. I think she'll be a great apprentice for you." Darkpelt said. "Thank you, Darkpelt. This will help with my desicion." Bluepool said before padding towards the medicine cat den. "I've sorted out the herbs!" Silverkit said excitedly as she bounced up to Bluepool. "Good. Its getting dark. You better get to bed. Come back tomorrow when the dawn patrol leaves." Bluepool said. "OK. I'll tell Whitefly to get me up." Silverkit meowed before padding away. "Bye!" Silverkit said. As she climbed into her nest, Sharpkit asked, "Where have you been? Have you been around medicine all day? You hate medicine! That's why you always clawed your housefolk whenever they took you to the vet!" Whitefly, Spottedkit, and Mossykit gasped. "We don't talk like kittypets around here. Housefolk and vet aren't words we use. Instead we say two-legs and the cutter." Whitefly said. "Whitefly, can you wake me up tomorrow when the Dawn patrol leaves?" Silverkit asked." OK. I'll wake you up." Whitefly said. "Thanks!" Silverkit said, and went to sleep. She woke up to see a small ginger tom that looked faded. "Hello, Silverkit. I am your dead brother, Charlie." He said sitting down. "Why are you here?" She asked, not knowing what to do. "I'm here to tell you your destiny. You're meant to be a medicine cat. Three more days, until you become her apprentice. I will contact her tomorrow. You can tell her. Tell Sharpkit, too. I will be with you, always, and I will contact you if I have a prophecy or an omen. Remember I will be in the stars. Goodbye, Silverkit." Charlie said and then faded into the stars. "Goodbye, Charlie."

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