3. Muskaan jhoothi hai...

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Gauri came out of Omkara's place and was heading towards her car...when her phone rang looking at the caller ID a faint smile crept her lips and she immediately attend the call...

G: hello....how are you...


G: yaa I met him...he has not changed a bit in this course of time...


G: hope that day comes soon...but what about Ridhima...???


G: ( chuckled) okay you take care....we will met soon....


The called ended...

"I hope everything becomes alright soon..." Gauri silently prayed as a thinnest layer of tear spread across her eyes and sat in the car...

The two days went in a blink of an eye...and finally the most awaited evening for both the known strangers approached...the place was set with all possible types of lightings..and audience hall was filled with the bunch of magnanimous fashion houses....inthe midst of all om made his entry...with two gorgeous women...on his right he had a women of about mid fifties...but looked younger than her age.. beautiful and glamorous in beautiful black saree...Mrs.Jhanvi Singh Raizada...the renowned socialist....

While on his left walked a lady of mid twenties

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While on his left walked a lady of mid twenties...in scarlet red knee length dress and layers of make up on face...Miss Ridhima Bajaj... daughter of Shekhar Bajaj...

While om in the middle in black tuxedo

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While om in the middle in black tuxedo...hair tied in half Ponytail....

As soon as om and his family entered the venue the paparazzi stormed to them with flashes and mics but they made a clear escape

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As soon as om and his family entered the venue the paparazzi stormed to them with flashes and mics but they made a clear escape....and settled on their reserved seats in the first row for the chef guest...

As they got settled om messaged Gauri....
(msgs in bold italics)

O: paigam bheja bhi aapne...bulane bhi aaye...
aaye hum aapki mehfil mein...aap Milne bhi na aaye...

A smile crept at the receiving end and fingers prompted towards the reply...

G: sabr kijiye janab...husn ki mehfil mein aaye hain...waqt to Lage ga...

Om smiles as he read the reply...

Ridhima saw him smiling at something looking at his phone and asked...

R: baby...why are you smiling...?

O: nothing babe...just got profit from a week old deal....( He replied smirking)

Soon the show started... Various designers came with their work and the hall was filled with their applause... finally om's wait was over and the host announced the name of "STARS AND YOU FASHION HOUSE" om's face lit up and a pleasent smile crept his lips this smile was noticed by Jhanvi....as the models walked away...lastly Gauri walked on the ramp with all her models...in white straight full length dress with a slit and hair tied in a high bun...looking totally mesmerizing...

Their eyes met and twinkled seeing each other

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Their eyes met and twinkled seeing each other...the exchange of glances lead to the exchange of smiles...soon the show came to an end and Gauri descends from the stage to attend her invited guest...

G: glad you could make it...( She said forwarding her hand to om)

O: pleasure was all mine...( Taking her hand in his)

Gauri's eyes caught hold with the ladies on the either side...Following her gaze he stepped in to introduce his ladies...

O: this my...( Gauri's cuts him inbetween)

G: your mum...Mrs. Jhanvi Singh Raizada... ofcourse who doesn't know her...( Shaking her hand) good to see to Mrs.Raizada...

J: pleasure is all mine...and congratulations for today's show...

Gauri smiled slightly...

G: And this might be ( turning towards Ridhima) Miss Bajaj...

R: correction...soon to be Mrs Omkara Singh Raizada ( she said cutting her inbetween)

Om's expression changed at Ridhima's statement which didn't go unnoticed by other two ladies...

G: ofcourse...( Smiled forcefully) I must say Mr Raizada...you have lucky stars...

A strange pain crept in his eyes as Gauri addressed him as Mr.Raizada..he tried not to show that up...but a pair of eyes saw that pain and was glad to see that...

O: Maa...I think we should leave now... actually I have a meeting lined up so...Ridhima you also have some stuff to shop right...you guys go I have an important call to make...I'll be joining you in a min...

J: yaa...sure...

Ridhima too nodded in agreement...
And both went out

O: So MISS MEHROTRA...I'll take your leave...it was an evening to remember...( He said in a blankly mysterious tone...)

G: it's Gauri for you..Mr.Raizada...

O: Omkara...with the same applicable rule...

Shaking hands them om turned but was stopped...by her voice...

G: when can we again...

Om smiled as it was the same question asked by him on their next morning after THAT night...

O: let's leave that on destiny...yet again

She smiled at the same reply....and watched him walk away...


So here is the next update...hope it did not underperformed your expectations....hit the vote button if like it...and keeping reading...

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