9. Channa Mereya...

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Reciprocating the smile she immediately turned away hiding her tears...while om sat on the mandap...he wasn't feel well.. his head was aching but he ignored thinking that it might be because of the wedding stress...

Pandit ji...prepared the mandap and chanted the mantras....om was sitting totally lost...with some of the negative flashes projecting in his head....and all those flashes a had a girl in comman with a guy...that apparently resembled to himself...and a girl smiling...laughing...her antics hugging that guy.....but who was she he wasn't able to make out...

his thought was broken when panditji asked

"kanya ko bulaiye...vivaah ka Shubh mahurat shuru hogaya hai...." Pandit ji announced...Jhanvi stared a glance at Gauri hoping that she would change her mind but all she got was negative nod and a gesture to join her to bring " her lover's bride" while Gauri and Jhanvi moved upstairs....an unknown uneasiness spread across his face with the statement of the pandit...his eyes searching for Gauri... " But why Gauri...??? Why are you feel to see Gauri...why are you seeing her as if you are seeing her after ages???" His mind questioned him...the reasons for all his questions were just to blurry negative flashes wandering in his head... creases appeared as he was puting efforts in remembering them but all went in vain...just then the musicians played the arrival times of the bride....

Jhanvi and Gauri walked with Ridhima on either sides but obliviously om's eyes were stuck on gauri...a weird kind of pain rose inside him... Shekhar Bajaj brought her daughter towards mandap and made stand beside om...Gauri came forward and gave Ridhima's hand in om's...

"A very....happy... married life...a..ahead..." Om saw her hand on his...and then her face...she was trying to smile but that smile didn't reached her eyes...while Ridhima smirked at her...

"Var Vadhu....var mala ke liye khade hojaye..." Pandit ji announced Breaking om's trance...

Gauri handed him the mala.. while jhanvi did the same for Ridhima...om and Gauri shared an eyelock... When Ridhima made him wear the mala...still looking at Gauri om made ridhima wear the mala...

" Ab var Vadhu ke gadbandhan ke liye aage aaiye..." Pandit ji announced again

Tears were at the brink of breaking the dams of her eyes..as she stepped forward... She knew that after this their was no looking back....she was sure that today she will loose him forever...but she also knew that she has to do it...for him..for the sake of his life...she cannot be selfish....

She stepped bon the mandap for the gadbandhan...her eyes welled up as she tied the knot...but she successfully hid them...as soon as she tied the knot... unable to control and a lone tear Crawled down her cheeks...
Leaving the tied knot then and there she turned and got down the mandap....and gestured jhanvi that she left the mansion....
There Pandit ji's mantra started....and various flashes of unknown path was being displayed with each and every chant....

And here Gauri was walking down the streets and every past forgotten memory came rushing to her...

How he proposed her....she remembered as she glanced over " the black solitaire ring" she wore in her ring finger...the time they spent together...the kisses they shared the...LOVE THEY HAD....all seemed like a beautiful bubble of dream...that was meant to be broken one day...

One the other hand om's restlessness was increasing with every passing second....the overlapping flashes becoming vigorous...and sweat beads formed on his forehead...
Pandit ji announced - " Var Vadhu pheron ke liye khade hojaye...."

Hearing this Ridhima immediately stood but om seemed to have lost in some deep thoughts...he kept sitting....untill Ridhima shook him...

" Om...kya hua pehron ke liye khade ho..."


Still lost in the clarification of those weirdly familiar flashes he stood up...


Gauri's side

She was aimlessly walking down the streets in the middle of a heavy down pour...her eyes were dry...and no tears were left to come out...her face was pale and expressionless...and her soul was numb...her heart was numb....she..was numb...she felt as if her soul was departing her body....

How is she going to live without him... without his presence...Gauri was nothing without Omkara but now she has to live without him...she has to sacrifice her love for his sake...for the sake of his life....she has to do this...

Raizada mansion...

Here om was having a really tough time...he was not understanding the reason for his absurd uneasiness...the flashes are getting worse and his head was spinning...he was sweating profusely....and his breath was laboured...the voices inside his head were much louder than the voices outside....
The flashes became louder....he clenched his ears and held his head...as if trying to stop those voices ....he didn't stepped for the phera...he just stood rooted as the overlapping voices became clearer...

"Omkara Singh Raizada....aaj tumhare saamne jhukta hai....."

Flashes came with a man kneeling infront of a lady.... seemingly proposing her....

"maine kabhi nahi soocha tha...ki meri zindagi mein...yeh din bhi aayega...kabhi nahi soocha tha...ki Omkara Singh Raizada kisi ke saamne jhukega...Lekin aaj tumhare aage OMKARA SINGH RAIZADA jhukta hai..."

The face of that guy cleared.....it was him...but...whom was he proposing to...




Suddenly a flashes came he was twirling the girl... lifting her in his arms....and was shouting something....but what...????

" I love you.....Gauri...."

The flashes got the voices....the faces got clear....



Precap- Phir le aaya Dil...


So guys we are nearing the end... second last part is here...next will be the last one...

Do vote...

The last part is ready for update date...but I really think that this part should cross 50+ votes so...

I have decided that as soon as you guys make up to 50 votes I'll publish the last part....

Hope you guys will not disappoint me...
Please do vote...


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