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Cold. Cold. Cold.

"Cold" was the only word echoing throughout my mind. Over and over again. The wind bit at my skin, making me shiver even in my thick, padded clothing.

Where the hell are you, BC? I thought, balling up my fists and frowning. I trudged through the park, my eyes flitting from person to person. I swear to god, if he's late-

Never mind.

Finally, my eyes managed to fall on a tall guy with broad shoulders, his hair full of snow and golden, round-rimmed glasses perching on his nose. His head was hanging down as he stared at his phone.

An evil grin formed on my face as I darted around the back of the park, reaching a point behind him where he couldn't see me.

"BC!" I yelled, jumping onto my cousin's back and hooking my arms around his neck.

"Oh my god, Heewon!" he shouted, barely able to hold me up. "Don't do that!"

Unable to hold the laughter tumbling out, I clutched on to dear life as he stumbled around. "Aren't you happy to see me?" I asked in a fake sweetly voice.

"Hell yeah, but I didn't expect it to be a slap in the back," he joked, lifting me up so my head hovered over his. He tilted his head back, flashing me a toothy grin as I rolled my eyes at his pun.

"Bleh." I squeezed my eyes shut and stuck my tongue out at him, receiving a forehead flick in return. "Ow! Gee, thanks for appreciating my warm greeting."

"Oh my god, just get off my back," he groaned, shaking me off. I grumbled, releasing my legs and landing deftly on the ground.

"Why, am I too heavy for you now, my weak cousin?" I dramatically pouted, resting my hands on my hips.

"No, Heewon," he complained, thumping a fist on my head which forced a squeak out of me. "It's just inconvenient."

"Fine." I said, adjusting my black cap. "Anyways, what brings you here? Why'd you leave Korea? Aren't you living with my brother?"

"Well, yeah I am, but I came here for a holiday. We're currently on Christmas break and I thought, why not come here to pay you a visit?" He grinned goofily, receiving my slap on his arm. "Ouch. I wasn't being sarcastic, you know."

"You weren't?" I asked, my eyes widened in mock amazement. "No way."

"By the way, your brother told me to pass on the message to you that he couldn't come because he's studying." He frowned, rubbing his hand across his mask. "Seriously, that guy. He works too hard for his own good."

"Well...he's graduating in 2 years, right?" I tried.

"Right. I have another whooping 3 years to go." BC groaned, face palming. "I'm soooo so so so hungry! What's good to eat here?!"

"Oh, I know just the place!" I grinned widely, tugging at his sleeve and skipping ahead. "Come on, I'm gonna take you to this really good sushi place!"

"Alright alright, just stop tugging at my sleeve already!"

"We need to hurry up, oh my god," I rambled, glancing at my watch. "There's exactly 14 minutes 42 seconds until it gets really damn crowded!"

"How far can this restaurant be?" he asked, striding quickly right next to me.

"Like, 10 minutes away. It's in the city there." I pointed in front of us, at a Ferris wheel. "It's right behind there."

"Oh my god, there's a Ferris wheel?" he exclaimed excitedly. "Can we go? Pleeeeease?"

"No! No way am I going on a boring ferris wheel ride with you," I stated, glaring at him. "But we can go on the other rides."

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