Chapter 2

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Jungkook sat beside his wife who was sleeping with her hair covering her face. She was extremly tired from being at home and doing house chores and things like that.

But jungkook knew really It had been another day of her doing nothing but bury herself in work and locking herself up in this room, She usually greeted him everyday when he would get off of work and she would give him a kiss, and massage his shoulders to release some of the stress.

Jungkook had sighed moving a strand of hair away from his wife's face. "You need to just focus on yourself Yi Min, not work..or concerning yourself with this room."

Jungkook gets up from his chair, he began to clean up the mess of papers around the room putting them in order by their dates and designs. A single slip of paper had fell out of the small stack and it fell onto the floor.

"Hm? What's this?" Jungkook kneeled down once again after putting the other stack of papers on his work desk, making sure they wouldnt fall off again.

He saw the hospitals name in bold print along with the date of the previous day, which so happened to be the day jungkook went out of town for overtime pay at work.

He gets up looking at Yi Min who was sleeping and he left out of the room, closing the door behind him quietly behind him as he went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and a snack maybe.

"Okay let's see," jungkook says to himself as he drinks his water gulping it down and he sets the glass down in the sink.

He felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up by the cold air turning on in the kitchen, he suddenly felt bad fot invading her privacy but something was driving him to read the note.

Jungkook shook it off and read the doctors letter slowly. He read aloud to himself in an inaudible tone, not wanting to be loud incase his voice would carry off into the hallways and into their bedroom.

"Mrs. Jeon, I'm sorry to inform you, but you are certainly developing something near your heart, it seems to trigger when you get too excited or heartbroken by something or someone. It triggers more when you get excited about your husband Mr. Jeon, I hope you Talk this through with your husband, it's a wise decision to make."

Jungkook set the doctors to note down on the counter as he started to cry to himself. He became frustrated that he picked up the glass in the sink and threw it at the floor across from him.

He began to sob loudly in hopes that his wife didn't hear him but he was dead wrong, as he heard the soft pitter-patter of her feet coming down the hallways cautiously.

"Jungkook? Is that you?" Yi Min came out of the hallway with a bat walking to her husband slowly before seeing the tears in his eyes.

"Sweetie, why are you crying did something happen?"She began to walk at a quick pace and sat down in front of jungkook wiping his tears.

Just the sight of him like this made her heartache. She continued to wipe his tears and sit by his side until he told her to move away.

"Go back to bed, I'm fine." jungkook said in an unbelievably harsh tone. He slowly got up sweeping up the glass on the floor.

Yi min got up as well and watched jungkook before looking at the counter behind her. She saw her note from the doctor earlier that day and she frowned slightly looking back at her husband.

"Jungkook. Did you read this?" Yi min said in a heartbroken voice hoping that he would say the words She wanted to hear. But of course, everything wouldn't be the way she wanted it to be.

"Yes I read it, but why didnt you tell me! Arent i your husband! You're supposed to tell me about things like this!" Jungkook shouted at her angrily. He turned around looking out the kitchen window. He felt betrayed and in the dark about everything now.

"How long has this been going on?"jungkook looked over at his wife who has been pale for awhile now.

He watched as she looked away trying to avoid the question but jungkook walked up to her and he grabbed her by the shoulders holding her firmly in his grip. "How long!"

Yi Min had tears flowing out of her eyes by this point so she began crying. "A week, I've known for one week"

Jungkook let her go and he put a hand over his mouth, he was clearly upset but he didnt want to yell at her in anger.

"Jungkook, I was going to tell you i just didnt know when i could, i was scared and afraid you wouldnt understand!"Yi min said through quiet sobs though she was yelling at jungkook she was quiet.

Jungkook finally calmed down and felt bad for his wife who just turned Around and left him there, walking back into their bedroom crying to herself.

"Wait Yi Min!" Jungkook didnt get to finish his sentence because she slammed the door on him so he couldnt walk straight in after her.

Jungkook waited a few minutes and he had walked to their bedroom slowly opening the door. He turned on the bedroom light to see his wife on the floor passed out.

He quickly went to her and had grabbed his phone calling an ambulance, as he waited he did what the  operator told him.

"Hang on Yi min the ambulance is on its way, just hold on. Im so sorry Yi Min" jungkook cried as he held her hand and trying to make her wake up, the ambulance personnel finally came minutes later to see yi min in jungkook's arms having a seizure.

Chapter End❤

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