My heroine

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Jihyo POV
She walk away , few steps away, after we exchange our goodbyes. I went to walk to the dark alley because its the only way to my home.

"Are you alone my dear?"

I turn and saw a black figure, cant even see his face properly as it was too dark. I tried taking few steps back but he followed still. I tried running away but he caught me, The only person i can think of is Y/N ,so i scream Y/N's Name.


She came within a few seconds. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" She ran and settle with the guy, giving a few punches. I was totally terrified and almost being Traumatised by walking to the dark alley alone.

The guy was badly being beaten up, worrying that he might get worst than that, he ran away.

Why does Y/N look cool...omg...

" since you're scared, i will walk you home okay?" Y/N worried. "There's no need to-" "hey listen, its still night time and yet you're walking in a dark alley. What if the guy came back with his gang?" Y/N interupt.

"Hmm? Lets go" Y/N take my hand and walk me home.

No One POV
They were walking side by side, hands were slightly touching, making Y/N's heart pounding so hard as she was the one save her crush from being touched or bullied, might even engrave Y/N's name on Jihyo's heart for saving her life.

Sadly, Y/N cant enjoy more of walking together anymore since they are infront of Jihyo's house. " Bye~" Y/N just give a sweet smile to Jihyo before she leaves.

As soon as Y/N isn't within Jihyo's sight, Y/N run and hide behind a building , feeling her own heart. " why is it beating so hard? It was only walking side by side and hands were slightly touching. Omg.. Y/N you- you need to chill" Y/N talk to herself, fanning herself.

Y/N went to the nearest convinient store, buying a milk and drink it in one gulp. Trying to distract herself from thinking of Jihyo, Y/N text her ex without thinking twice

-Go home with me tomorrow.-


Just the same boring thing past by. Nothing new.
Nayeon and Jeongyeon went to together,
Tzuyu,Sana, Mina and Chaeyoung went for a double date,
Jihyo went home with her other friend.

I went home with him in a longer way to go home which is by train. It was so awkward and also my fault that i dared myself to go home with me.

I tried my best to stay away but he is trying to ask me to close with him. I even tried to sit a few inch away, trying not to talk to him since he have a girlfriend which belong from Australia.

After a few days going home with him, the train didnt have any seats left so we went to stand near the window with a pole to hold on. He took an advantage to touch onto my hand when he is still attached.

But the thing is that made me look pathetic is that i didn't took away my hand, i let him hold my hand. He gave me a greedy ass look.We went home like nothing happen in the train.

I went to the roof top, looking at the sky, thinking about the situation just now. " why do you look so ugh... Is the day too tedious?" Chaeyoung laid beside me. I went to tell her what happen but then..

"I told you to move on! Why cant you listen??" Chaeyoung hit my left tigh. I groan in pain, " no.. Eonni have a mix feelings.. I dont know what to do Chaeng.." I look at her.

"Then.. What about you date with him for few weeks?" I look at the sky, thinking about what Chaeyoung said.

Should i? It sounds like a good idea but somehow a bad idea.. Maybe i should..

Its been few days since i went home with my ex. Suddenly my ex speak up, " if i ask you to be my girlfriend, would you take me back?"

"I might... Why do you ask that?"

"Just some thoughts" he gave answer that would close my question.

I went to have dinner in the living room suddenly my phone receive a text


We have already broke up because she wanted to.. She cheated on me twice. I breaks my heart for that..

To Ex 👹💩
Why did you break with her? Why didnt you hold her?

Would you patch back with me?

To Ex👹💩

Ex 👹💩
I take it as a yes then

Wha... I didnt say yes at all... Why is he high hoping so much? Hmm... But this is halfly a yes.. Should i just continue with what Chaeyoung had planned?

Ah molla molla!

I quickly finish up my food and went to the roof top. "What's with the long face?"
Chaeng appear beside me.

"He..." I sigh before continueing, " he high hoped that i would want.."

Chaeng sit up, "want what?" I follow her to sit up, " him" i look at Chaeng, find that she was lightly slapping her face." Is this true? My god.. My mouth is so salthy. This gonna be a nightmare"

"Im sorry but try to be smooth then"
Through out the days, i feel something isn't right. I dont feel like the love for him isn't there anymore after he story out his love life with his ex. He kept on continueing that his ex tried contacting him non stop and asking me what to do. He should know what to do if he is ready for another relationship.

Few days after, suddenly i leave a gap in between, sometimes not replying his text. Though i give him a text back, "give me some time and space please"

Through out the days i went out with him, i didn't keep in touch with Jihyo at all. They look happy, smirky faces given to me when i am attach with him but is this what i really want? Surely not.

"Babe..i need to talk with you"

"Is it a serious talk? Please no.. You're serious talk always scare me"

"I don't think this is a right decision to be together. And i didnt agree to be yours either when i only said "...""

"Did you're love towards me fade? Since when"

"I loved you since the last day we keep in contact, but you keep on telling your love life with her to me which make my love fade towards you." I stood up, he hold my wrist. " its probably my fault that i don't know my own heart either.. But if live doesn't go we wanted to, why do you want to force?"

I left him dumbfounded. I walk along the street, going to the convinient store, picking a drink. Walking past the beer section, making me tempting to drink but i hold it back. I mean, who would help me if im drunk? Nyeh.. Better buy and drink on the roof top then.



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